Smeese's Low-Tech Web Page

I went to the University of Texas at Austin.  Now I have a job.  Here's some good stuff I think. 
My How-To-Live-Your-Life Page
Stories from my life page
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personal interest
Mothers Against Boomerangs was a UT boomerang organization with a web page that is out of date. For good boomerang stuff check out Ted Bailey's Site, and the Boomerang Man. If you're in Wichita, Kansas I recommend buying your boomerangs from Wind Heaven. It's a kite shop.
Andy Kantor and I did a little research. A Discover Magazine article on the research done by Dr. Ronald Stearman which motivated our project, and an abstract of our final report
Brian's Sushi Page has info and links on everything you'd ever want to know about sushi.  Mmmmmm . . . sushi . . .  
-I dig
Dread Zeppelin, they rock dude and if you ever have a chance to see them live, do it. 
-One summer I took a tech writing course and me and Steve studied firearm silencers.  I'm not a gun nut but I'm all about making things less noisy.  Links to
Gemtech and AWC Systems Technology, two manufacturers of quality silencers.  
Modern Humorist - some pretty funny shit.
Viper Aircraft - hey kids, build your own little jet.
Experimental Aircraft Association - build your own airplane, any kind.
Soaring Society of America - one of my new favorite things. If you're near Wichita, check out Wichita/Kansas Soaring Associations. If you're near Boerne, Texas please visit San Antonio Soaring.
personal improvement
-Check out
The Straight Dope for answers to all life's important questions. 
-Want to be a pilot?  Don't want to pay for it?  Let your uncle Sam pay, in exchange for 10 years of your life . . .
Learn to be psychic.  This guy can teach you how to be psychic -- the Army way.   
MIT lockpicking guide. To learn to crack combinations, read Surely You're Joking  Mr. Feynmann!, a book on the life of physicist Richard Feynmann.
making the world less shitty

- funds leukemia and lymphoma research and accepts secure online sponsorship of volunteer athletes.
Interracial Voice,  magazine addressing "mixed-race" issues like the census.

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