The Sigma Kappa Webring

This page is temporarily under construction. If you have complications with any of the funcions of this site than please feel free to email me at or if you have any other questions or comments.

Welcome to The Sigma Kappa Webring homepage. This webring was set up to link together all Sigma Kappa's homepages and chapter homepages. If you are a member of Sigma Kappa and have a personal homepage or your chapter has a homepage, please join the webring. Just start the easy process below!

Submitting your site!

1. Fill out the form below.

Submit site to The Sigma Kappa Webring
Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

2. Go to view at the top of your screen, choose Source. Scroll down until you see the code for the below graphic. It is the HTML code that begins right after the #2 instructoin. Highlight the whole code, it ends like it began, but with backslashes before everything. If your highlighting includes a code for the grape vine then you have gone too far. Choose edit from the menu and then choose copy. Go to your file manager and paste the code onto your homepage.

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3. Then you must download the graphics. Right click on the Violet graphic and choose "save picture as..." or something similar depending on your broswer. Make sure to upload the file into your file manager in order for it to work.

4. Next, Insert your name into your code where it says "Your_Name_Here" and insert your Site ID number everyplace that is says, "_SITE_ID_HERE"
When you are done, it should look like this.

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After you have finished with everything, email me and I will add your site to the webring. Thanks.

Click Here to see a list of all the sites in this webring.

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