Cíclidos-Sp > Bibliografía



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En castellano:

"Cíclidos tropicales"; David Sands, Paul V. Loiselle y Wayne S. Leibel; Ed. El Drac.

"Guía completa de los cíclidos del Lago Malawi"; Cliff W. Emmens. Ed. Hispano Europea.

"Atlas de peces de acuario de agua dulce"; Dr Axelrod, Ed. Hispano Europea.


 En inglés:

 "The Most Complete Colored Lexicon of Cichlids", by Dr. Herbert Axelrod.1996.

"The Cichlid Aquarium" by Dr. Paul Loiselle.1995.

"Tetra's Popular Guide to Tropical Cichlids", by Tony Hall,1995.

"Cichlids: The Pictorial Guide", Vol I, Pablo Tepoot ,1995.

"Cichlids: The Pictorial Guide", Vol. II, Pablo Tepoot 1996.

"A Complete Introduction to Cichlids", Robert J. Goldstein, 1988.

"All About Cichlids", Braz Walker, 1988.

"Cichlid Fishes : Nature's Experiment in Evolution", George W. Barlow ,1998.

"Cichlids : Purchase, Care, Feeding, Diseases, Behavior, and Breeding", Georg Zurlo,1991.

"American Cichlids II : Large Cichlids", Wolfgang Staeck, Horst Linke, 1995.

"Cichlids from Central America", Ad Konings

"A Fishkeeper's Guide to Central American Cichlids", David Sands

"Cichlids of North and Central America", Donald Conkel ,1997.

"South American Cichlids", Wayne S. Leibel,1994.

"The Cichlids of Surinam : Teleostei, Labroidei", H. Nijssen, Sven O. Kullander, 1997.

"Complete Book of Dwarf Cichlids", by Hans-Joachin Richter,1989.

"Dwarf Cichlids : A Handbook for Their Identification, Care, and Breeding", Horst Linke, Wolfgang Staeck ,1995 .

"Dwarf Cichlids : Keeping and Breeding Them in Captivity", David Boruchowitz, 1998.

"The Proper Care of Malawi Cichlids",by Mary E. Sweeney,1993.

"African Cichlids II : Cichlids from Eastern Africa". Wolfgang Staeck ,1995.

"African Cichlids of Lake Tanganyika", David E. Boruchowitz ,1996.

"Cichlids from West Africa : A Handbook for Their Identification, Care, and Breeding", Horst Linke, Wolfgand Staeck, 1995.

"Malawi Cichlids : Mbuna", Mary Ellen Sweeney ,1997.


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