Live Life

Chapter 3

There was a tap at Dylan’s window and he leapt out from under his bed covers. He looked through the glass, Sky was on the other side, her face red and blotchy from crying.

He smiled. She smiled back but looked up at the top bunk with apprehension. Dylan pushed the window open.


“He’s out babe.”

Sky let out the breath she’d been holding. Dylan grinned and lifted her through the window. He gently lowered her to the floor and hugged her, snuggling into her neck. “Are you ok?”

“Just needed a hug. Couldn’t sleep.”

Dylan hugged her tighter, just for effect and kissed the top of her head.

Sky smiled, then turned serious again. “I ran into Lil and David when I got in. I couldn’t face talking to them, not yet. I’m so glad Serena was asleep, I just can’t handle them knowing just yet.”

Dylan tensed. Sky noticed and looked at him questioningly. “What?”

He released her and pulled away, walking away from the window and sitting down on the bed. “Don’t be mad ok?”

“About what…?” Sky didn’t move, she just looked at him.

“Janae knows. Everything.”

Sky’s voice was still hushed, she didn’t want to wake anyone, but there was a definite rise of tension in her voice that Dylan couldn’t ignore.

“I didn’t tell her!” He always got defensive when challenged. But he knew she had a right to be upset. “She guessed, that’s all. She noticed we were acting weird all night. I just filled her in on the toxin stuff.”

Sky sat down on the bed too and leant her head in her hands. “It’s really happening now isn’t it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Someone else knows. Pretty soon the whole street will find out. Before, we were just in our own little bubble you know?”

“Hey, Janae won’t blab. It may be hard to believe but she’s pretty trust worthy with stuff that matters.”

Sky looked up, into Dylan’s eyes. “I guess…” She yawned.

Dylan yawned too and looked at the clock. It read 3:17. He was glad it was still the weekend, that they didn’t have school tomorrow. He found it hard enough to pay attention when he’d had a good night’s sleep.


Sky nodded, but then thought. “Won’t Lyn mind?”

Dylan shrugged. “Who cares.”

Sky kicked off her trainers and took her coat off, revealing her pajamas underneath. She looked around. “You really need to clean this room you know that? Ever heard of a vacuum cleaner?”

Dylan smirked and feigned hurt. “It’s spotless.”

“Sure.” Sky winked at him and leant into his shoulder.

“Hey, you can sleep in Stinger’s bed if you want more room, I don’t reckon he’ll be home do you?”

Sky shook her head. “Why do you think I came over? I may as well have just stayed in my own bed.”

Dylan smiled.

“That hug wasn’t nearly long enough.”

She needed him to hold her, be there for her. Physically, as well as emotionally. She needed that contact now, she needed to feel the warmth of his body against hers and his arms wrapped around her.

So there they lay, entwined in each other, not saying a word. It wasn’t long before Sky fell asleep, feeling secure, not alone in a cold bed. Dylan watched her eyes close and stroked her hair. He leant over and clicked off the light before he too drifted off to sleep.

* * *

Dylan awoke the next morning to find sun streaming through the window and the bed next to him empty. Then he heard rustling in the corner of the room and let out a sigh. He propped himself up on his elbow and watched sky tip dirty clothes into the laundry basket.


She turned around and greeted him. “Hey.”

“What are you doing?”

“Cleaning up after you messy boys. I hope you appreciate it, I had to throw away all of my principles.”

“Come back to bed, aren’t you tired?”

As if on cue, Sky yawned. “Yeah, a bit. But I woke up and thought I’d be useful.”


Sky smirked. She pulled something out from behind her back. “Who’s this?”

She held in front of her a tatty brown teddy bear with one eye missing, and not much fur. Dylan turned a bright shade of red. “That’s erm… Scotty’s.”

Sky raised and eyebrow. “Then why is there a ‘D’ written on his back in permanent marker?” She grinned, waiting for an answer. She loved winding Dylan up, and took great delight in watching him squirm.

“Ok. That’s Rufus.”


“Yeah. If you tell anyone I still have a teddy there’ll be hell to pay.”

Sky stepped towards the bed. “Your reputation will be in ruins.”

“It will.”

“You’re just a big softy really aren’t you?”

Dylan grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back onto the bed. “I better not let you leave then. I need to keep and eye on you.”

“So I’m staying in this room then?” Dylan nodded. “Suits me… For now. I need to go home sometime, they’ll be wondering where I am.”

“You’ve never snuck out in the middle of the night before?”

“Of course not, I’m a good girl.”

Chapter 4
