Live Life

Chapter 4

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay here tonight? No one will mind.”

Sky thought for a moment. It was a very tempting offer. But she shook her head, and shivered slightly from the cold night air as she stood on the doorstep at number 26. “Nah. I think I better sleep in my own bed. All night, not just until I turn all girly and pathetic.”

Dylan made a face, as if to say ‘hey, don’t be stupid’ but Sky stopped him before he could say anything. “I’m serious. I can’t keep running to you every 5 minutes.”

“That’s what I’m here for babe.”

“I know, and I love you for it.” She gave him a peck on the cheek before disappearing down the path.

* * *

“I saw you with Janae earlier.”

Sky fluffed her pillow and through it down on the bed. “So?”

“Since when have you two been best friends?”

Sky shot her cousin a confused look. “We’re not. I’m going out with her brother, it’s inevitable we’re going to run into each other at some point.”

Serena shrugged. “I just thought you couldn’t stand her, that’s all.”

“She’s really not that bad.”

Serena scoffed and shook her head, climbing into bed. Sky didn’t say anything and picked up her pajamas, heading across the hall to the bathroom to clean her teeth. She’d only seen Janae briefly today. In fact, she’d not seen anyone much all day who wasn’t Dylan. They spent most of the day in Lassiter’s park. They did nothing but laze about inn the sunshine. Usually, Sky couldn’t stand not being up and about doing something, but nothing about this situation was usual.

Tomorrow was Monday. School. She was dreading it. Which is why she was so please that Dylan liked her suggestion for a care free day, not having to worry about anything for just a few hours. They talked about the most random stuff ever, the news, movies, sport. Anything and everything except the one thing they’d not been able to stop thinking about.

But they managed it. Sky felt normal. Which is why she wanted to go home as normal, got to bed and lie awake for a while having more random conversations with Serena. She even managed some small talk in the kitchen with Harold while she made herself a hot chocolate.

Sky brushed her teeth and washed her face. She patted her face dry and carefully hung the towel back on the rail.

She pushed the door to the room she shared with Serena open carefully, and saw her cousin sitting up in bed, leafing through the pages of some romance novel. Serena saw her come in and put the book down. Sky switched off the main light and got into bed as well.

“Good day?”

Sky smiled. “Yeah, it was. A bit cliché, but….”

Serena rolled her eyes. “I thought you didn’t like all that soppy stuff.”

“Dylan’s not soppy. It was my suggestion anyway.”

“You’ve really fallen for him haven’t you?”

Damn right, Sky thought. She felt herself blushing and squeaked out a shy “yeah.”

Serena smiled. “Good for you.”

“Yeah” Sky said again, but it was more to herself than Serena and her voice haad taken on a thoughtful, vague tone.

Serena fell back onto her pillow with and exasperated sigh. “I’m glad someone’s love life is going so smoothly.” Sky closed her eyes and looked up at the ceiling, grimacing slightly. “Mine isn’t. Not that I have one…”

Serena might have said more, but Sky didn’t hear. She was too busy feeling guilty about not confiding in her closest friend when she felt comfortable with Janae knowing, who she didn’t even know very well. She just couldn’t yet, she wasn’t ready.

Well, Not comfortable exactly. She didn’t really know how she felt anymore. She would have to talk to Janae more tomorrow. At school. She reached for her alarm clock and stitched it on, although the thought of skiving all together did cross her mind. But she couldn’t not go for the next 9 months. Tomorrow was as good a day as any to face it.

* * *

“Sure you want to do this?”

Sky stood at the gate with Dylan at her side and Serena and Stingray a little way behind them. She nodded in reply to Dylan’s whispered question and squeezed his hand.

“Hey guys, don’t you think I could totally kick Jackie Chan’s ass?”

“Don’t really care Stinger.”

Dylan rolled his eyes at his little brother. He wasn’t in the mood for Scott’s trivial babbling today. Him and Sky walked off, leaving him practicing his kung fu at the entrance to the school grounds.

It was a usual Monday morning. Bustling kids, excitable chattering about the past weekend. But at the same time it was all different. Three days ago she would probably have been joining in but now Sky was forced to see everything in a different light. Watching her classmates chat to their friends, empty books from their bags to their lockers, she couldn’t help wondering if any of them were concealing secrets.

She felt like she was the only one. Like nothing they had to worry about in their lives was anywhere near as huge as the problem she found herself with.

“Morning Sky.”

She snapped herself out of her daze and looked up to see Karl smiling at her. “Hi.”

Karl spoke in a hushed voice. “I made an appointment for you att he hospital. Come and see me later.”

Sky nodded in appreciation and Dylan, still standing next to her, nodded too. He hugged Sky’s shoulders. “I’ll come too, ok?”

The hustle and bustle of the corridor was soon dispersed by the shrill chiming of the school bell. Everyone walked off different ways down the hallways towards classrooms, still discussing their weekends with their friends.

“History” Dylan groaned, unenthusiastically.

Sky shook her head, smiling. “It’s not that bad. You better work ok?”

“Sure mum.” Dylan winked.

“I’ve got art. Meet me at break.” Sky gave him a peck on the cheek and she too headed towards her class, blending into the crowd.

Chapter 5
