CatDog's First Fan Site is in the process of relocating, please update your links. This site will remain open with the leftovers that don't move over to the main site. So this is basically like CatDog's FFS closet.
  • Here is the new location for CatDog's First Fan Site

    Bad news, do to an email glitch I lost a bunch of petition names from the old format I was using. I'm really sorry to everyone that signed last fall October and on, in the old bravenet petition format. There are a few names I managed to save but, not all. So please I would appreciate those of you that signed to please sign the new form again. I'm extremely sorry about this, I was so dissapointed when my email did that. I strongly feel that all of your voices deserved to be heard, and I wish I didn't have to request this. I learned my lesson, and I'll quit babbling please click and sign again it will only take a moment.
  • Thank you very much for understanding.
  • Site owners please take this banner and link and add to your site!

    Welcome to CatDog's Closet
  • (sorry can't think of a better title yet)
  • June 27, 2002

    My CatDog Pages

    Main Info:[Picture Gallery][CatDog Songbook lyrics]

    Extra Info:[CatDog Collecting][CatDog Links][My CatDog fanfic] [Awards & sponsors]

    Few detailed tributes:[All About Cat Page][Dog the Mighty Page][Greaser Territory, Cats beware!]

    Interactive-[SIGN CatDog Petition] [Mailing List][QUIZ][CatDog Movie Quiz]

    What fans say:[CD QUOTES][CatDog Tidbits][Fans facts and FUN][ Candice's Winning fanfic][CatDog fans' Wishes][TELL NICK U LOVE CatDog]

    What IS CatDog?:
  • CatDog created by Peter Hannan is the first cartoon about a cat and dog joined together at birth. They live in a house that is shaped part fish, part bone.

    They go through life dealing with the fun and trouble of being attached. CatDog are as different as night and day, Ren and Stimpy, & Felix and Oscar. Read about them and other characters in cast page.

  • "CatDog is a registered trademark of, Nickelodeon and Peter Hannan Productions. This CatDog site is fan based only. I'm not affiliated with Nickelodeon.

    Nickelodeon's main site is here: ""

  • "All text descriptions on this site are property of Kristen the site owner.
  • Copying any of the text is not permitted."

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