
  • Endless Waltz

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  • The Story Behind Gundam Wing

            The year is AC (After Colony) 175, one hundred and seventy-five years after the first permanent space stations were established. Presently, Earth and the heavily populated space colonies orbiting the Earth are under complete military oppression by the world government known as the United Earth Sphere Alliance using humanoid war machines called "mobile suits." The United Earth Sphere Alliance, Alliance for short, was created in the year AC 133 in order to settle disputes among warring nations at the time and was originally intended to unite humanity in peace and prosperity. The Alliance, however used raw military strength to accomplish its honourable goals. One by one, the Earth's nations joined the Alliance willingly or not. The independent space colonies above were aware of the Alliance and its intentions. Protest began within colonies and is responded by a confrontment from the Alliance. In the name of peace, the Alliance military seize control of all colonies, prohibiting communication between colonies, therefore placing them in complete isolation. Behind the dictatorship is the secret society of OZ (Organization of the Zodiac), a subsidiary to the Romefeller Foundation disguised as the "Specials" force, an elite division of the Alliance military. As an industrial and military combine, the Romefeller Foundation is a major financial aid to the Alliance and through the direct command of OZ, brainwashes the Alliance for the Foundation's own schemes.

            The five original scientists that created the first mobile suit are recruited by fustrated space colony rebel leaders to each create an advanced mobile suit called a Gundam in an attempt to free the colony clusters. Every Gundam is made from the rare metal Gundanium alloy, which is virtually indestructible and undetectable by radar. In addition, no ordinary mobile suit pilot can operate a Gundam, so five young pilots, each from a different space colony cluster were selected and trained to be the ultimate mercenaries, not knowing of each others' presence. On April 7, AC 195, Operation Meteor is launched secretly by the rebels. As part of the operation, the five Gundams are sent to earth disguised as shooting stars to annihilate OZ and its Alliance puppets in order to liberate the space colonies. And so, the war to determine the fate of humanity begins…


    With Respect: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing ©SOTSU AGENCY SUNRISE ANB, Gundam Wing Endless Waltz ©SOTSU AGENCY SUNRISE ©2001 and © 2001 BANDAI AMERICA, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.