Brown Tussock Moth
Painted Pine Moth
White Tussock Moth 
Magpie Moth
Heliotrope Moth
Lichen Moth
Orange Spotted Tiger 1
Orange Spotted Tiger 2
Triangular Tiger Moth
Yellow Tiger Moth
Transverse Moth  
Native Budworm  
Lawn Armyworm
Lily Caterpillar


Brown Tussock Moth - Olene mendosa

Family Lymantriidae

This page contains information and pictures about Brown Tussock Moths that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Length 40mm.

The Brown Tussock Moth caterpillar is hairy, with four tussocks of hair on its back make it look like a toothbrush. 

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We found this Brown Tussock Moth caterpillar in early spring. We took it home to see how it will look like when it became a moth. We found the caterpillar on a plants. We bring along with some leaves as its food. 

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We put the caterpillar in a jar with those leaves that we found it on. The jar was covered by a cloth and tighten by rubber bend. We cleaned the jar everyday. We put some more leaves in the jar everyday because the caterpillar ate a lot. To keep the leaves fresh, we put them in our refrigerator.   

After a few days, the caterpillars  pupated in a woven cocoon. The pupa is covered with the some hairs of the caterpillar as well. These hairs may cause irritation if contact, or if they were released to blow about. So we handled it very carefully. After the caterpillar became a cocoon, we do not need to clean the jar, just wait and see.

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After another two weeks, it became a moth.  The moths is 30mm in length with hairy body. It holds their board wings like roots over their abdomen at rest. There are the white and brown grey patterns on its wings. From its antenna we can tell it is a male. Moths usually active at night, so we opened the jar and put it in our backyard at night. Next day in the morning we found it had gone.

To raise caterpillars is fun, especially if we find an unknown caterpillar. It is easily too. We have raised some caterpillars such as the Wanderer, the Crow , the Orchard Butterflies and the Common Anthelid Moths. You may like to raise one too. Try it yourself next time when you find a caterpillar. Email me if you successfully raise one or if you find any problem. 

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Last updated: April 16, 2005.