Striped Raspy Cricket
Spine-headed Katydid
Predatory Katydid
Gum Leaf Katydid
Small Grassland Katydid
Mountain Katydid
Spotted Katydid 
Unidentified Katydids 
Common Mole Cricket
Giant Green Slantface
Creek Grasshopper
Common Adreppus
Gumleaf Grasshopper
Slender Gumleaf MimeticGumlefGhopper
Common Pardillana
Wingless Grasshopper
Handsome Macrotona
Short-winged White-tips
Giant Grasshopper


Gumleaf Grasshopper - Goniaea australasiae

Family Acrididae

This page contains pictures and information about the Gum Leaf Grasshoppers that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.  

Body length 50mm
The Gumleaf Grasshopper is brown in colour, camouflages as a dry gum leaf. They are also known as Dead Leaf Grasshoppers. We can sometimes find them on the ground with the dry Gum tree leaves when bushwalking in Eucalyptus forest.
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Adult, body length 50mm
Adult is characteristic by the prominent arched crest on thorax, it is sharp, together with the colour,  resemble dry gum leaf. We found the above adult grasshopper in the gum tree forest in Mt Cotton. The grasshopper usually resting on ground among the dead dry leaf. 
Both male and female of Gumleaf Grasshoppers are fully winged. Males are smaller in size. When disturbed, they jump and fly about a few meters away. When flying, we saw their bright yellow-orange abdomen and hind wings. 
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Nymph, 3rd instars, body length 15mm 
When bushwalking in White Hill, we found two Gum Leaf Grasshopper nymphs, they have two different colour forms. One was greyish-brown and the other was orange-brown, same as the adult. They feed on both dry and fresh gum leaves.

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Last updated: November 21, 2004.