Issue Five

By Michael Hoskin

The Mutate was approximately 9 feet long, including the tail, and walked about on all fours, searching the cavern walls for food. It had been separated from its master, the human known as the Mole Man, years earlier, and now was left to roam Subterranea aimlessly, using its specially adapted vision to survive the dark. Although it was possessed of limited intelligence, it was still wise enough to keep off the paths to Lemuria, as all Mutates instinctively fear their place of creation. So well-used it was to its environment, the Mutate had managed to exist on its own successfully, avoiding other predators. But now, the predators had come to seek it.

The blast of energy struck it mid-chest, as the flare from the blast temporarily cast light upon the darkness! The creature howled, and dove for cover, moving on pure adrenaline.

But as it neared an alcove of rock, a humanoid figure emerged from the dark, training weapons upon it! With all its might, the creature leapt upon the humanoid, and dove for its throat!

"Dammit! Someone get over here!" Bristle yelled, as he toppled over from the Mutate's weight.

Rayven was the nearest soldier to his position, so he dove from his cover, and shot the Mutate in the back! It turned its head to face him, seemed to consider him, then pulled itself towards him, snarling in anger.

Rayven fired another blast, but the Mutate barely seemed to feel it. He screamed into his comm for help, but there was some sort of confusion over the channels-- a clear message couldn't be sent. The Mutate began to rear itself up--

--When suddenly, an axe crashed down upon its neck, severing it from its body! The corpse crumpled to the cavern floor, as Rayven sighed with relief.

Then, he happened to gaze upon his savior. "L-Lord Id?" it came out as a question-- so many of the Lyonesseans were still unfamiliar to Rayven.

"Warlord Id." the armored figure corrected him, as he retrieved his axe.

Rayven had heard the news, but it was still hard to believe. Why would Tannor willingly grant such a powerful title to a Lyonessean? But still, he was the recognized warlord of Lemuria, and thus commanded his respect. "Sir! We were in the midst of combat training against this creature, under the orders of--"

Warlord Id cut him off. "As Warlord, I am well aware of this deployment. Still with us, Bristle?"

Bristle rose from the ground. "Yessir. I'll live."

"Oversee the removal of the creature's carcass, then get to a medic. Rayven, walk with me."

Rayven reluctantly strode after his Warlord, who brought him to a Deviant craft parked further down the tunnel. Once they were seated aside, and the autopilot was engaged, Id spoke: "Good work with the Underground Legion, lieutenant."

"Thank you, sir, but it was only through Brother Tannor's genius--"

"Prime specimens all," Id continued, as though he weren't listening, "we'll make good use of them, I guarantee you that. Pity two of them were beyond your reach." Rayven started to explain, but Id cut him off again. "But we'll find them, you can be certain! The Legion will be stamped out-- for good!"

Rayven was taken aback by his Warlord's determination, but still managed to bleat out: "I hardly think the Deviant military is prepared to engage--"

Although Id's face was forever hidden in the shadows of his helmet, Rayven felt as though a cold stare were upon him. "No one escapes the Deviant Empire." Id stated flatly.

After a period of uncomfortable silence, Id proclaimed, abruptly: "I want you to take command of our aerial forces."

Rayven was now hopelessly confused. "Sir? I, uh-- not that I don't-- well, although I am equipped with feathers, you'll note my greatest area of expertise has always been--"

"I want the aerial division back on its feet by next week. No excuses, General."

Rayven accepted his promotion reluctantly.

* * *

The cold outside was in the extremes --easily -40-- yet the cavern walls seemed to give off a heat of their own. This, the acolyte knew, was owing to his master, rather than any structural modifications. The cavern was lit only by candles, leaving the acolyte shrouded in darkness-- but he was no stranger to the darkness, having walked that path in Lemuria all his childhood.

Suddenly, a slim figure lilted in from the cavern's entrance, gesturing about madly. "Geez, why can't you live in a volcano like any decent Eternal?" he quipped. He was then aware that the entity he addressed was not an Eternal at all. He studied a device on his wrist intently, and shook it wildly. "Uh...I didn't expect to see you." Sprite admitted.

"Master Elo is in meditation." the acolyte replied. "I could announce you, if you wish."

"Nah, I can hear his response already. 'Thank you Sprite, for finding an opportunity at least once a century to annoy me, but if I wanted to solicit annoyance, I'd book a Deviant political debating team in my garage.'"

The acolyte shook his head. "I rather think he would instead wonder why Sprite should wait so long to seek personal enlightenment, when he might ideally have sought him out a thousand years earlier."

"Yeah, well, I'm only here to conduct a census, wrinkly."


"By order of your Prime Eternal! Well...not your Prime Eternal. You're not one of our people. In fact, you aren't of anyone's people. What are you, anyway?"

"Master Elo says I have demonstrated great promise, little Sprite, moreso than any non-Eternal he has ever tutored."

"Great, maybe you'll be one of us in another milennia, Karkas. Doubt you'll live that long, though."

Karkas-- for it was Karkas-- exhibited what was likely a smile. "I'm already rather adept at casting illusions, my friend. Perhaps you should be concerned I might surpass you in that regard?"

Sprite pouted. "Yeah, riiight. Now Sersi, I bet you could out-do Sersi. She hasn't had an original idea since before the Battle of Marathon!" Sprite looked about the cavern, unimpressed by the lack of decor. "Then again, even Sersi would seem to know more about style than you fellows. Is it just the two of you here?"

"Makkari did stop through recently--" Karkas started.

"Stop? That word's not in his vocabulary. But I mean, what about that Reject, Ransak? I'd figure he'd be a prime candidate for Elo's brand of knowledge. Besides, you two are practically inseparable! What happen, he go back to Kingo?"

"No, Ransak...has been assigned by Kro."

"Top secret?" Sprite inquired.

"I suppose so. Kro has been trying to assign me to such missions as well, but the violence...I'm not especially inclined towards such duties."

"Yeah, well it's still the thing you do best. After philosophy. And being ugly. Being ugly, being philosophical, then being violent. It's in your top three."

"You said something about this being a brief visit, Sprite?" Karkas reminded him.

"Glad to be rid of me, eh? Story of my life. Hang loose, big red. I'll be back to bug you before you know it!" and with that, Sprite flew back out of the cavern.

Karkas turned away from the entrance, and found Elo standing directly before him. "Master! I was-- Sprite was just here--"

"I know. Pity he couldn't stay longer." Elo craned his neck, looking out into the snow. "Said he'd back 'before we knew it', eh?"

"Yes, he was--" Karkas started.

"I'm afraid young Sprite was mistaken in that regard." Elo remarked. He then returned to his meditation chamber, not explaining his words.

* * *

The wind swept across the alps, nearly bringing Melissa to her knees-- or perhaps it was the sight which lay before her that struck her with awe. Down below were the remains of an ancient city-- the so-called "City of the Space Gods." She had come to these mountains simply to learn the fate of her uncle-- but now her sense of exploration was begining to overcome her. She drew an instrument forth from her bag.

Alex rolled his eyes. "You're taking pictures?"

Melissa snapped another photo. "I haven't taken a real vacation in years. Try to enjoy yourself, Alex."

Alex looked behind them to the rest of their party-- their uncle's colleague, Professor Colin Hugo, anthropologist Dr. Samuel Holden, and a native boy who guided them, Tupac Amaru.

"Keeping up all right, Sam?" Alex called out.

Holden waved his arm. "Yes, quite!" he called back.

"Wait up for them." Melissa complained. "You've been pushing yourself all day."

"Yeah, whatever." Alex tried to stand still, but his nervous body language betrayed his true wishes.

Just as Hugo, Holden and the boy pulled up, he set forth again. "Come on, or we'll never set up camp."

Melissa pulled over to Hugo. "I'm so sorry, Colin. He's always like this on vacations."

"Quite all right. I'm more concerned about Sam here-- you don't get out like this often, do you?"

Holden seemed somewhat flustered. "I-- that is-- more than you might-- no, not so much." he said at last.

"Don't stray too far!" Hugo called out to Alex. "This place might be dangerous!"

* * *

Argos studied his monitor with an almost curious expression. A disturbance-- in the City of the Space Gods? The Eternals felt compelled to retain an eye upon the Celestials' great city, to prevent any tampering with what still remained. And now-- a disturbance? Argos probed further. Humans! Of all things! Ikaris would have to be made aware of this, he determined.

Argos set out immediately for the Eternal Seat, flying past the deserted streets of Olympia. But upon his arrival, he was surprised to find that Ikaris was not there! Neither was Phastos, the human named Conrad, the half-breed Mammoth who had been visiting-- no one! Argos wondered where the Prime Eternal might have gone.

* * *

Ikaris stared out at the rising sun, in an almost contemplative fashion. Nearby, Conrad sat writing in his notebook.

Without breaking his gaze, Ikaris spoke: "You write so fast, you might set those pages aflame."

"Have to. It's my personal goal to write as fast I can think." Conrad grinned. "Though I suppose that's something you Eternals have already accomplished."

Ikaris' expression did not appear to change, but Conrad felt as though his bond with the Prime Eternal was continuing to develop. The third member of their party, however, remained quite brusque.

"Nothing better to do than stare at the sun." Mammoth pouted as he lay on the ground, apart from his two companions. "Couldn't find anything better to do with his valuable time."

"No one invited you, Mr. Amos." Conrad replied, sternly. "I was under the impression you were on your way back to America."

"I might as well be for all the help he's been." Mammoth sulked, pointing at Ikaris. "Eternals. I don't know why my cousins are afraid of 'em."

Conrad turned away from Mammoth, and, faced down a slope towards an open plain. "Still not used to it." he sighed.

"To what?" Mammoth asked.

"Olympia not being there when I look at it."

"They've got decent security, I'll grant them that." Mammoth admitted. "But to leave the city deserted..." he shook his head.

"Hardly deserted. Argos is still on duty. Oh, and there's the humans." Conrad added, almost as an afterthought.

"Humans?" Mammoth inquired.

"Oh, a Soviet general. He's insane, but Ikaris takes care of him. And there's those 3 SHIELD Agents the Celestials turned into a giant red block. Can't forget them."

Before Mammoth could inquire further, Argos suddenly sped up, and hovered in the air before Ikaris, blocking off the sun. "Prime One! Forgive the intrusion, but an urgent matter--"

Ikaris opened his eyes. "I can commune with nature later. What is the excitement, technician?"

"The City of the Space Gods!" Argos almost gasped. "Humans, within range of the city's ruins!"

Ikaris' brow furrowed. "Return to Olympia at your leisure, gentlemen. I have an important duty to perform." Saying this, Ikaris rose into the air, bound for Peru.

As he disappeared into the horizon, Mammoth looked down into the vacant plains. "Mind showing us the door, Argos?" he inquired.

* * *

Camp had been set by then, as Hugo and Holden took a well-earned respite. Alex was still nervous, and had set off to explore the ruins, with Melissa close behind them. The native boy, Tupac, remained with the two elder men, playing with some sort of toy idol.

Alex leapt over a fallen pillar, then stopped, turned, and gazed upon it intently. He was still gazing when Melissa caught up to him. "Think that's the pillar that crushed uncle Dan...if he was crushed?" Alex asked.

"You're-- you're really scaring me, Alex." Melissa confessed. "It was so many years ago--"

"We should've been here 'years ago', Mel. If this Ike Harris guy left any trail, it's got to be cold by now." He kicked up a rock from the ground. "We don't even know where Harris lives. He could be some sort of CIA assassin, or a drug lord. How are we supposed to fight him?"

"This isn't about starting a fight, Alex. I'm still hoping for the best--" Melissa started.

"The 'best' thing we could learn is that Margo and uncle Dan never died, and they've been in hiding all along. But I'm not putting much stock in that revelation. I just know, if I could find Harris--"

Suddenly, a voice from behind him spoke: "You should heed your sister, mortal. Cool your temper."

Alex spun about, and saw a figure standing in the shadows of the ruins. "Who are you?"

"One who may possess the answers you seek, Alexander. But I caution you, the truth may not be to your liking, and it will involve an arduous journey to another land. Perhaps the woman-- your sister--"

Alex looked at Melissa. "I-I'm going wherever he's going." she replied.

"Very well, my friends. Come this way." they followed the mysterious figure.

* * *

Ikaris set down upon the campsite in full view of its occupants. He was prepared for tourists, explorers, or simply a lost child. He was unprepared to meet an old friend.

"Holden? What are you doing here?" he inquired.

Professor Hugo sat dumbfounded, hardly believing he had just witnessed a man descend from the sky. Holden, however, took it in stride. "Hello, Ikaris! I didn't know you still monitored things over here-- although, truth be told, I'm glad you were. To, ah, answer your question, the Damians--"

"Damian?" Ikaris asked, visibly shaken by that name.

"The, ah, cousins of Margo. They wanted to know the truth about their relatives' demise, and I thought-- well, I was going to simply ask Sersi to-- but since you're here, now we might as well explain everything, mightn't we?"

"Where are these cousins?" Ikaris asked.

"Oh, off, ah, wandering. We should go find them."

Ikaris motioned him to remain still. "I will proceed alone." he demanded, and set off into the ruins.

After a moment Professor Hugo remarked in a still, quiet voice: "A flying man."

"Yes." Holden said, "He's one of the Eternals."

"Oh, indeed?" Hugo remarked. "He's the man the twins wanted to meet all this time?"


"Lovely. Wake me up when Peter Pan floats in on the air."

* * *

Ikaris wasn't certain of what he would say to the Damians, but it was clear that this time, there should be no banding about-- they would have to learn the truth. Besides, it dovetailed nicely into his own plans.

He floated gently over a rise, and then received a shock. Below the rise, amidst the ruins, was a large, gaping hole, forming an immense tunnel! Immediately, his thoughts went to Olympia, as he contacted Argos telepathically. "Argos! Has there been a second incursion into the City of the Space Gods?"

Argos' voice sounded slightly surprised. "Indeed, Prime One. We registered a second presence only moments earlier, but it is gone now."

Ikaris' face hardened. "Deviants."

It wasn't a question, but Argos still responded: "Aye, my liege."

* * *

The lodgings for a Warlord in Lemuria were rather spectacular, by their standards. It stood a mere 5 stories high, but was constructed from the finest marble. Id was still unfamiliar with much of Lemuria's customs, but he did approve of their taste in architecture. Although his duties as Warlord of the Deviant Empire kept him from his home for most hours of the day, he had one important task to perform this day-- and it would not take long.

Id walked down the flight of stairs and into a low-lit corridor. "Is the project complete, Snake Hound?" he asked the technician packing up a toolkit outside a sealed room.

"Affirmitive. You may retrieve the data from your office on the main level."

"Excellent. You may depart."

After Snake Hound had scampered up the stairs, Id opened the door. Before him, stretched out against the wall, her arms and legs manacled, was Sparrow, member of the Underground Legion. Lover of Lord Pelops. Mutant.

Id removed his axe from his back and set it against the wall, then adjusted a control panel on the wall. In a few seconds, she would awaken. He kept his back to her, wanting to play the scene for all it was worth.

Sparrow came to, unaware of all that had passed since her capture weeks earlier. She saw the man standing with his back to her, realized her captivity, and immediately began plotting how to free herself. But...the man. Something familiar about him...

"What pit did you crawl out of?" she asked, trying to sound defiant as she struggled against the manacles, trying to activate her powers.

"Lyonesse." the man replied, turning his head.

The light barely touched the man's face, but what Sparrow saw drove nails through her gut. "Lucian?" she asked, somehow knowing that it couldn't be him. But if not...surely not... "P-Pelops?" she whispered.

The man drew closer. "Guess again."

Words Pelops had spoken returned to her. "Id." she said, the confidence returning to her voice.

"Yes, Id. Poor, poor Id. Pelops spoke well of me, eh?"

"He told me you were insane."

"And that is how I appear to you?"

"Yes. It would do your father proud." she spat the word "father" out for emphasis.

"My father..." Id swung his hands behind his back. "Yes, I have had...problems in the past. But my dear grandfather Khult found the solution, at long last. You see, I once delighted in meaningless destruction and terror-- when the madness would take me. I need an anchor-- something with which to ground my psyche..." he extended his right hand, and touched Sparrow's chin. She responded by biting his finger.

"You're sick." she growled.

Id licked the blood from his finger. "You do me a grave injustice, human. I don't need you the way my brother Pelops needed you-- you will provide for me in quite another way entirely. Your "Underground Legion" has quite the dossier, fascinating material. And do you know what I found most fascinating about you?" Id asked.

"The number of times I've broken out of cheap prisons like this and given my captors hell?" Sparrow responded.

"No, your addiction. Fascinating, fascinating material. We have addicts of our own in the Deviant Empire, you know. And I might be curious about this "custom"." Id drew a needle from his belt. "Fehdrox's Bane. It was the poison of choice for career advancement in Lemuria for 10,000 years, I am told. Unfortunately, the modern Deviant's immune system protects him from fatality-- although he can achieve a good "high." Now, what I am curious about is how a human would respond to this drug. So very, very fascinating." Suddenly, he swung forwards, and flung the needle into her arm!

Sparrow swore, ferociously angry. Id stood back a moment, silent.

"You survived." he said at last. "Perhaps your mutant genes, we never can account for such mutations."

Sparrow spat at him. "I'm going to kill you." she growled.

"Fascinating. Yes, I believe the results will be quite fascinating. Now, I'm afraid I'm all out of time. But the cameras--" he pointed to the devices Snake Hound had planted in the walls, "the cameras will capture everything. I expect to be entertained by you for some time to come." He retrieved his axe, replaced it, then turned to leave. As the door slid shut, he faced Sparrow head on. "Enjoy your withdrawl." he said, merrily.

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