Issue Four

By Michael Hoskin

All was not as it appeared to be. Though many described the air as "crisp", and the fragrances as "lovely", such sensations were not as easily felt by one as refined as an Eternal, who could summon forth memories of fresh air and fragrances from 10,000 years before human pollution corrupted the environment.

Still, it was a more preferable environment than an urban sector, and Thena was grateful for that much. Dressed in her human clothes, she was indistinguishable from the humans walking about the gardens together. Thena walked alone, not knowing herself what compulsion had brought her here.

She sensed the approach of a stranger near her-- a stranger with a familiar signature. She slowed her pace, and allowed him to come close, before whirling about, grabbing him by the chest, and raising him into the air!

"Tired of living?" she queried her would-be assailant.

The Deviant, tan-skinned, and very human-like, his hair cut into a mohawk, was rather shaken. "Hey, now-- not that I think you could kill me if you wanted to-- but I wasn't aware being a Deviant was a crime! Must you be so close-minded?"

Thena lowered him to the ground. "I consider myself to be open-minded. What's your deal?"

"I'm a messenger. As in, 'don't shoot the'. My message is for you."

"And your message is?"

The Deviant pointed to a gazebo in the distance. "Go to the gazebo. He's waiting for you."

Thena released her hold on him, turned, and moved towards the gazebo.

"Don't you want to know who 'he' is?" the Deviant called after her.

"I already know." Thena responded.

The figure in the gazebo stood with his back to the entrance, gazing into the shade of nearby trees. His breath was slow and measured.

"A man in your position should never have his back turned. You never know where your enemies lie." Thena said, entering the gazebo.

Kro turned to face her. "Good fortune, then, that you are not my enemy." He paused for a moment. "Nice outfit." he complimented her.

"Fine suit you're wearing as well, Kro. White becomes you."

"Yes, just so."

"Why did you arrange this meeting, Kro? How did you compel me to come here?"

"I? Compel you? You make it sound as though I had to resort to some diabolical plot. I need no mechanical gimmickry to gain an audience with you, my dear-- on a subconscious level, you knew I would be here, and you sought me out yourself. And so, here you are."

"Fine then." Thena crossed her arms. "What brings you to San Diego, the children? Are they in trouble?"

"No, not at all. How are they? I haven't had the time to visit for the past three months."

"Enjoying campus life, now that they aren't being asked to go on hazardous mission any longer."

"Well, I'm certain you're keeping them safe." Kro paused to clear his throat. "As to what business I am on, answering your question will require a brief history lesson."

"Oh, well, I'm quite fond of history, having lived through most of it."

"Have you then, ever heard the name of...Tannor?"

"Yes, of course. Emperor of Lemuria about...400 years before the Great Cataclysm."

"I'm referring to another man, though he bears his ancestor's name. He is the nephew of Brother Tode, my personal protege, and, as of yesterday, the new ruler of Lemuria."

"I wasn't aware that any of the House of Toads still lived."

"It wasn't easy. His uncle sent him to Australia during the Fourth Host, and he was not heard from again. He was popular with the public and the military, and known to have been unpopular with his uncle, and his disappearance generated some friction for a time."

"You said he was your protege. Might I assume you had something to do with his survival?"

"Yes, everything. Tannor was my personal project."

"I find that difficult to conceive of you, Kro, given the contempt his family treated you with."

"Yes, but he and I were united by that contempt. Even in his youth, Tannor possessed intriguing possibilities-- he was an independent thinker, he had grand ideas for Lemuria's future, and he was capable of great kindness. You know of my interest in such men, Thena-- our mutual friends Karkas and Ransak are only two of the Deviants I have taken under my wing. But Tannor...I taught him how to fight, I taught him how to govern, I taught him how to lead. And now, he has turned all that against me."

"E tu, Brutus?"

Kro shifted uneasily. "Yes, quite. Yesterday afternoon, Tannor lead a Deviant strikeforce to the headquarters of the Underground Legion-- one of our allies in the Delta Network. The base has been levelled, no bodies recovered."

"The Underground Legion-- they fought that madman Tantalus, didn't they?" Thena queried. "Why would Lemuria want to pluck a thorn from Lyonesse's paw?"

"Because if our intelligence reports are to be believed, Lemuria and Lyonesse have forged a new pact, and the Lyonesseans have accepted Tannor as Emperor of the whole Deviant empire."


"It's all rather funny, you see. My allies in the Pentagon want to obliterate both cities now-- wipe them out before they launch a first strike against them. I'll be locked in a room with humans all week, trying to spare my people-- a people who would just as soon stone me to death."

"I don't understand. If Tannor is as enlightened as you say, why should you-- or America-- be in danger from him?"

"I don't believe America need fear Tannor. But some other country, some small and weak one...they should be afraid. Tannor wants to restore the glory of the Old Republic-- and that means replacing at least some of the humans on the surface with a new Deviant kingdom. And I-- I was assaulted by a Deviant only this morning, who believed by killing me, he would gain favour with his new emperor. It is why I arranged this meeting with you, and enlisted my friend Enigmo's aid in contacting you-- I am truly in danger of losing my life."

"Kro--" Thena began.

"But I have lived for thousands of centuries, haven't I?" Kro smiled. "Oh, I'm certain these days will prove nothing more than footnote in my life. Surely, I shall continue to thrive for another thousand years, at the very least."

"Now that you've told me-- what do you want from me?"

"To relate all that I have said to your friend Ikaris. Although I doubt Ikaris would disintigrate me on sight, I'm still-- how to put it-- uncomfortable with seeing him directly."

"So you chose me."

"So I chose the one Eternal who has always listened to my words, quite possibly the kindest soul of her race." He quickly added. "Barring your friend Khoryphos, of course."

"Will we Eternals be in any danger from Tannor?" Thena asked.

"He'll avoid you at all costs-- he's not an idiot. But since your people are so fond of humanity, conflict is inevitable."

"If you need sanctuary, Kro, I'm certain Ikaris would be glad to--"

"I don't doubt that he has a spare room all laid out for me, but my people need me here. And while I do not presume to take the role of Prime Eternal, I would advise you, Thena-- stay here, among the humans. Stay near the children."

"You said they weren't in danger."

"They shouldn't be. But this is an unpredictable time."

* * *

Aboard a Deviant Raiding Craft in the Atlantic Ocean, Tannor was feeling restless. It was his second day as emperor of the Deviant empire-- an empire now more powerful than it had been for centuries-- but instead of forging policies, or choosing a cabinet, he was in unfamiliar waters, speeding towards a location on the orders of Ghaur. Ghaur sat apart from him in the vessel, paired with Brother Khult of Lyonesse. It made Tannor uncomfortable, being led about by the two of them, treated as though he were beneath their notice.

Also aboard the craft were two of Khult's men-- an immense giant named "Wraath", and an alien, General Vemet. Khult assured them that, though an alien, this "Skrull" Vemet was as much a Deviant as any of them. The only man aboard Tannor knew he could trust was his old friend Rayven, who sat next to him.

Tannor felt the vessel rise, heading towards the surface. Soon, he could see sunlight through the front viewscreen. He stepped behind the pilot, Shelmar, and asked, "Why are we on the surface, pilot?"

"We have reached our final destination, Brother Tannor." Shelmar responded.

Tannor did his best to maintain a sense of control. "Very good." he muttered, stepping back to Rayven.

The craft's landing plank extended as the airlock opened, to fresh air and sunlight. Tannor shrank back, and let Ghaur and Khult exit before him. Stepping out into the sun, he squinted for a moment, then started in surprise. In the distance, he could see buildings, bases, dwellings...all suited for humans. Gathered at the foot of the craft were a dozen or so humans, all garbed in beige clothing, standing quite still. Tannor recalled beige as being a favoured color among human soldiers, but he was still no closer to an explanation for all of this. Sighting two human soldiers walking towards Ghaur and Khult, he realized he would have to assume some control over the situation, and stepped alongside the others.

The two prominent humans took a slight bow, to which Ghaur, Khult and Tannor returned. "I am General Chen." said one of the humans, "This is Major Ho. We welcome you back to the republic of Yashonka, Lord Ghaur."

"Thank you, my old friend." Ghaur replied, smiling. "May I present Brother Khult of Lyonesse, our newest ally. Also with us is Brother Tannor, newly crowned emperor of Lemuria."

"We are most honored, of course." said General Chen. "If your party will follow us, please, we will explain the nature of our request."

Khult and Ghaur followed closely behind the general and his aide, while Tannor fell back to Rayven's side. "What is this?" Rayven whispered. "Why are we being so polite to humans?"

"Just follow my lead." Tannor assured him.

"Right, and whose lead will you be following-- Ghaur's?"

As the walk continued, Tannor looked about their surroundings, marvelling at the respect the human soldiers projected towards them. Then, to his surprise, he sighted a soldier wearing a large exoskeleton, lifting a giant wooden crate. He recognized the design immediately as Deviant technology! His mind strained for answers to these conundrums.

The two humans lead the six Deviants inside one of their buildings and into a room where two other similiarly-garbed humans sat. After introductions had been made, General Chen proceeded with his proposal: "For the past five decades, Yashonka has benefited greatly from its alliance with Lemuria; you have provided schematics for your advanced technology, we, in turn, have provided you with intelligence reports. The Prime Minister himself is most gracious to you for all that you have granted us. But now, I have called this meeting in the hope of furthering our alliance even more."

So saying, the general lay down a map upon the table. It was of an island, covered with human dwellings. "This is the island nation of San Diablo, a country which was once very much like our own island. Years ago, they followed the same system of government as our own, but have since toppled that regime, installing a fully democratic system. It is our wish to aid the cause of those rebels still fighting to reclaim San Diablo, and make this nation our new ally."

"Quite laudable, wouldn't you agree, Khult?" Ghaur asked.

"How humans choose to destroy themselves is of little interest to me, I must confess." Khult replied.

"Patience, my lord," responded General Chen, "I am about to explain how this pertains to you. In order to topple San Diablo's forces quickly, and decisively so that reinforcements will be unable to aid them, we will require a vast army-- an army far greater than that which we currently possess."

"You want us to the fighting for you." Rayven remarked, somewhat bitterly. Ghaur cast a disaproving look at Tannor.

"Of course, we would 'pull our own weight', you need not fear that, and would gladly share the conquests of war with you."

"'Conquests.'" said Tannor. "What might these 'conquests' entail? We have no use for human money, or human technology. What do you hope to offer us?"

General Chen was clearly unprepared for this cutting remark. "We, uh, would allow you take citizens as slaves, if you so wish. I understand the priesthood is in need of humans for experiments, am I correct, Lord Ghaur?" Ghaur nodded in assent.

"I believe you could offer us something even greater than that, General. But I wonder, do you have the authority to grant whatever we desire?" Tannor asked.

"Absolutely, within reason." replied Chen.

Tannor cleared his throat. "Let it be known then, that the Empire of Lemuria desires to establish a colony upon the soil of San Diablo, immediately upon the war's conclusion. Is that within reason?"

General Chen's face was ashen. "Wh-what would you have done with the population that dwells there?"

"I believe your suggestion that we use them in experiments is a good one." Tannor answered. "The rest can be put to work as slaves, to maintain the colony."

"Emperor Tannor--" Chen started.

Tannor leaned forward. "The Empire of Lemuria ruled the surface thousands of years before this petty human nation came to be! All I ask is that we perform a simple act of reclamation-- return to us what was once ours. If you truly desire me to send my officers to die alongside you, it is the price you must pay."

The room was uncomfortably silent for several moments.

"I accept your terms." Chen said at last.

* * *

Afterwards, the Yashonkans held a reception, in honor of their guests, with the best human dishes put forth.

"The white maggots are quite good." Rayven commented.

"That would be rice." Tannor answered.

"Ah. So, are you planning to explain what all of that was about to me?" Rayven asked.

Just then, Khult slid alongside Tannor. "Emperor Tannor, might I have words with you?"

"Yes, of course. Pardon me, Rayven." Tannor and Khult stepped away from the others, to the windows overlooking the harbour where the Raiding Craft lay.

"As ruler of Lyonesse, I now have certain rights within Lemuria's political system, Brother Tannor. I am what you might call your 'peer'."

"Yes, I agree. Feel free to bring any concerns you might have." Tannor answered, hoping Khult was not leading to what he feared he might be.

"Lemuria is still without its Warlord, correct?"

"Yes, unfortunately, though I have a new candidate in mind."

"Well, we can hardly plan for war without a Warlord, can we? Which is why I wish to present my aide General Vemet for consideration."

"The alien."

Khult became indignant. "Oh, that is what you think of your Lyonessian cousins?"

"That is what I think of men from other planets. He cannot, will not be our Warlord."

"Your man, then, whom might he be? Not Rayven?"

"And why not?"

"First, it is improper for you to promote a personal acquaintence. Second, because when he was in the military, he never rose above Corporal. Third, because he went AWOL in Siberia, and spent two decades in hiding. Can you imagine the morale problem?"

Tannor sighed. "He can do the job."

"Make him a General if you wish. But never Warlord."

"We shall have to continue this discussion back in Lemuria." Tannor remarked, excusing himself.

"Yes, we shall. I hope that we can reach a mutual agreement."

As Tannor returned to Rayven, his eyes fell on Ghaur for the first time since the meeting's end. Ghaur's face had a strange, pleased look about it. The pleasure in those eyes was nearly enough to crumble Tannor's resolve where he stood.

* * *

Above the towers of Olympia, a bright green-clad figure flew, taking erratic loops and spirals. Back when the city teemed with hundreds of Eternals, Sprite complained at their lack of humour, but he sorely missed them now. In the past several hundred years, Sprite had perfected the art of entertaining humans, but he had yet to master those of his own race.

He swooped down to the Temple of Command, disappointed there was no one to see the grace with which he flew. What was the use in performing without an audience?

Sprite hovered into the office of the Central Processor just outside the Eternal Seat. To his surprise, another figure stood there, an immense giant of a man, with a bionic arm.

"Hey there." said Sprite. "I hate to break it to you-- but you're a Deviant."

"Yes, so I'm told." the giant answered.

"Little far from Lemuria, ain't 'cha?"

"Never been there. Name's William Amos-- though most call me "Mammoth". I'm part-human."

"Pleased to meet you, I'm Sprite-- though most call me "pest". I'm 100% Eternal. What brings you here, anyway?"

"Personal business."

"Right. Don't mean to pry." he lowered his voice. "It's about Kro, isn't it?"

"Whatever your business is, get about it." Mammoth said sternly.

"Right. Keep fighting the good fight, giant soldier man." Sprite flew through the doors to the Eternal Seat, where he found Ikaris upon the throne, apparently meditating. On the right side of the room, a bearded human stood by, and started at Sprite's entrance.

"The Prime Eternal is busy right now." the human said.

"He shouldn't have bothered me if he can't find the gumption to be awake when I come to call. Who's he talking to, humey?"


"Well, on a first-name basis, are we? Aren't you a peculiar fellow. And what are you doing here, anyway? Are you with the action figure in the hall?"

"Oh, uh, my name is Lewis Conrad-- I'm Ikaris' friend."

"Hey, that's super! About time we opened this city up to tourists! Name's Sprite!"

"Oh, yes, the one 'Puck' was based upon."

"Ooo, my reputation, as ever, preceeds me! Ikaris tell you that? Did he mention which character in A Midsummer Night's Dream he inspired?"

Ikaris suddenly came alive. "Spirte-- enough."

"He speaks!" Sprite arched his head. "What happened to you, Ike? You're all...hairy!"

Ikaris ignored him. "I have a mission for you, Sprite, a task I believe only you can perform. I wish to take a census of our people's population."

"A census? For that, you called me? Why not Makkari? He'd get it done in minutes! Or Sersi!"

"Makkari has another assignment, and Sersi suggested you."

"Yeah? Well, un-assign me. There's just no point-- we know who we are!"

"Do we?" Ikaris muttered. "Sprite, I want you to take this assignment. I think you're ready to take on the responsibility."

Sprite doubled over in laughter. "'Responsibility'? Do you know who you're talking to?"

"I think I do. I think you've spent centuries trying to get our attention so we'll entrust you with some measure of responsibility. And at the moment, you have my full attention."

Sprite twiddled his fingers for a moment. "What does this assignment entail, exactly?"

"You fly across the globe, scour every corner, and record the identity of every Eternal you encounter."

"Well...I've got nothing better to do. And it's an excuse to bug some old friends."

"Mind you keep your distance from the Damocles Foundation...and Khoryphos in Lemuria."

Just then, Phastos entered the room, bearing an electronic device.

"Ah, perfect timing. Is that the Eternatron?" Ikaris asked.

"Yes, Sovereign. It should detect and record the energy signatures of every Eternal within 500 miles." Phastos answered.

"Hey, lemme see!" Sprite grabbed the device, and examined its read-out. "I'm gettin' who's the fourth?"

"Argos. He's elsewhere in the city." Phastos replied.

"Well, four down...guess I'll be seeing you guys in a couple of weeks."

"Travel safely Sprite." Ikaris proclaimed. As Sprite sped off, Ikaris continued to speak with Phastos: "How is your other project progressing?

"The energy readings outside the Hall of Triumph continue to fluctuate. I can make no sense of them." Phastos answered.

"Keep at it."

"I really do have pressing matters back in Germany--" Phastos started.

"'Pressing matters'? Take a number, baldie." Bellowed Mammoth, entering the room.

"Mr. Amos, I have already stated--" Ikaris began.

"My friends are either dead, or near it, and you're sending boys off on errands, and fretting over energy readings? When do we storm Lyonesse?" Mammoth demanded.

"We can't be certain your friends are being held in Lyonesse." Ikaris answered. "Furthermore, given the dangers confronting the Deviants means to even an Eternal, I will not order any of my people into such a situation at this juncture. Of course, if you wish to seek them out yourself and request their assistance, I cannot stop you."

"Unbelieveable. You're too tied up in yourselves to care about us, after all that we've done for this bloody world! Where were you Eternals when the last time Tantalus made a move?" Mammoth toned bitterly.

"I will be glad to organize a rescue party at some point in the future, Mr. Amos. But not just now, not when matters are delicate." Ikaris promised. "Until then, you're welcome to our hospitality--"

"Sure, whatever. Hey, it's probably a lost cause, right? You gotta pick your battles, I understand." Mammoth strode unhappily from the throneroom.

* * *

In his throneroom in the City of Toads, Tannor sat at his desk, pouring over papers. His mind was so consumed with anticipating Ghaur's motives, that he failed to notice the entrance of Khult, until he hovered over the desk.

"You've read the files I sent you?" Khult asked.

"Yes, yes I have." Tannor replied.

"And will you accept my recommendation?"

"I am concerned about these periods of instability. I understand this is a recurring difficulty?"

"Not as greatly since Tantalus' passing. I suggest you get to know him yourself."

"You brought him to Lemuria?"

"He is outside this room even now."

Tannor's brow rose. "Very well, show him in."

Khult moved to the other side of the room, and motioned to an unseen figure. He then stepped back, and allowed a man to enter. The man wore a suit of protective armor over his body, with an immense battle-axe visible over his shoulder. His skin was white, and pale, and his helmet cast a deep shadow over his face, shrouding his emotions.

"Brother Tannor," Khult announced, "this is Lord Id."

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