Fish may be classified according to their breeding habits into the following categories.

Live Bearers
They belong to the family of life bearing tooth carps. These are fish that bring forth their young alive. These babies are large in size and can eat adult food at birth. Fish breeders generally feed daphnia as the first food, but I have always fed them live tubifex worms with good results.
Guppies, Swordtails, Mollies, Platties etc. fall under this group. A Ratio of one male to four females is used for mating purpose. Once mated the female is good for one to five spawns.
The brood size ranges from a few babies to even above 300 in rare cases. They lay in intervals ranging from 21 days to 40 days depending on the water temperature. The average is 30 days at 28 degrees centigrade.

Egg Layers
Egg layers may be classified as nest builders, eggs scatterers, egg depositors and mouth breeders.

Nest Builders
Gauramis, siamese fighters, paradise fish etc. fall under this group. This group of fish are called labyrinth fish. They get their oxygen direct from the atmosphere. The male builds a nest of bubbles which may range from half inch to five inches in diameter and almost one inch high. The male embraces the female and eggs are discharged and fertilized. Eggs generally float up. The eggs of betta splendens sink and the male, also the female picks them up and places them in the nest. When the spawning is complete in one to a few hours the female should be removed as the male starts attacking her. The eggs hatch in about 48 hours and the fry are free swimming in another 48 hours depending on water temperature. The male should be removed at this stage not because he will eat the babies, as the books say, but because he has no further role to play. These fry are very small and require infusoria as the first stage of feeding. Newly hatched brine shrimps should be fed after a particular number of days, then daphania and adult food.

The Cichlids choose their own mates and lay their eggs on leaf or rocks. The angels, discus, ramizizi etc. fall under this group. As a rule they care for their young. The fry are large and generally can be fed freshly hatched brine shrimps. Some parents like the discus and orange cromide secrete a substance on their bodies on which the babies feed.

Egg Scatterers
The largest group of fish are the eggs scatterers. Barbs, Tetras etc. fall under this group.
The pair is introduced in the breeding tank at dusk and they spawn at dawn. Nilon mops are generally used to save the eggs from the parents.
The pair is removed after spawning which takes about a couple of hours. Most fry can eat brine shrimp babies for a first feed.

The Mouth-Breeders nurse their young in the mouth. Tilapia, Arowanas, etc. fall under this group. The fry are few and large.

This is general information which may be got from any good book on aquarium fish. But successful fish breeding takes much more than that. This additional knowledge comes from years of observation, analysis and learning.
This deep knowledge is what makes the difference between a chance breeder and a professional fish breeder.
  • I can guide you through a web cam(Talk and see).
  • I can assist you through the whole process. From the making of all glass fish tanks to the building of breeding stock, the conditioning of the breeding pairs, selective breeding, feedings at different stages, etc right upto the time of sale of fish.
  • Through this whole process I shall be on the web cam and monitor your setup on a daily basis. In short I can transform you into a commercial ornamental fish breeder.
  • All this comes to you for a small fee.
I love this earth with the blue sky, the beautiful waters, the animals, the birds, the plants and above all the wonderful people who inhabit this planet.