Bri s Web O Deceit Hall of Fame

Those who have beaten Bri s Web O Deceit

Tracy Vickers @ 20:41 GMT on 6/29/1999:

Fun. OK, it was cool and exciting and it was cool. Must have taken a while and thanks for telling me about it. I'm gonna check out the other sample!

Kyle Anderson @ 15:52 GMT on 7/1/1999:

DEEEEE-lect! After hours of lurning around and meeting various unfortunate and often gruesome deaths, I have disrupted the machinations of Color Me Badd by nuking their subliminal recording studio. I've been visiting the Web O' Deceit each day since it opened. For a Lone Wolf veteran like myself (and you for that matter), I found it extremely fun and surprisingly challenging. It took me four days and six different demises to complete! Here's how I met my various ends (yes, I kept track... sick, huh?):


Awesome idea, Bri! I only found one of what I am sure are many routes to victory, and I know that many more deaths await me. I am determined to snag the Cyan Key, wherever it may be hidden. Already looking forward to Web O' Deceit 2!

Charlotte Oshe @ 20:57 GMT on 8/1/1999:

I was lured into the web on deceit on August 1st 1999... I emerged,what seemed to be many months later, my hair grayed, my will to live lessened, and my belief that there is good in this world....gone.

Oh Brian my sweet droplet of venom, if only you put your energy into purposes of good instead of evil our planet wouldn't be in the state that it is in....

the fly who was trapped and tortured in your web

Monica Harkey @ 00:32 GMT on 5/14/2000:

Tries one and two: I got snacked on by a cockroach. Now that cockroach is on crack and will crave crack until it dies. It will die all scraggly-looking after not shaving or bathing for weeks. Needle punctures will make his exoskeleton look like a pock-marked Nerf football from hell.

Try three: since we must have the same supplier of crack, the crack-induced crackiness (mmm, crackalicious!) is similar enough for the two of us (it seems) that I was able to figure out the maze. BAROCLINICITY! heee heee! (scurrying away) :)

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