Welcome to Guestbook of BhavI samEra shrI vAdhirAja's devotees

11/12/00 18:46:51
Name: Girish Aswathanarayana My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
phone: 314-205-0958 Profession: Software Engineer City: St. Louis, MO
Country: USA Place of origin: Karnataka, India Mother tongue: kannaDa

Excellent. The photo gallery is a treat.

05/18/00 20:40:25
Name: Madhusudan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
phone: 732-393-0546 Profession: Software Consultant City: Edison
Country: USA Place of origin: India Mother tongue: Kannada

I am thrilled!!!! You hv done Sri HariVayu GuruSeva I need ur permission to link ur page from www.tatvavada.org ,a website I am developing to Spread Madhva Siddantha in Kannada. Regards, Madhusudan Bheemasenarao

04/23/00 23:59:26
Name: Gopalarao Madhusudan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
phone: 248-680-1824 Profession: Software Engineer City: Troy
Country: USA Place of origin: India Mother tongue: Kannada

Hello! good

03/01/00 03:29:59
Name: raghuprem
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Good work BGK.Lets pray sri Rajaru to bless us with our dream project soooooooon!!!!!! Raghuprem

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