Current Rosters
Current Standings
League Transactions
League Officers
League Rules
League Schedule
NFL Statistics
NFL Injuries
2000 BFL Draft Order
About the BFL

Letter to the Owners

League Divisions
Vince Lombardi George Halas Tom Landry
The Dawgs The Butchers American Looney
McKamikaze Highlanders Missouri Manglers Bemee Gizzards
Yukon Jacks The Mules The Meek Boys
Pigskin Pipsqueaks The Outlanders The Mustangs

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Playoffs

A Unique Fantasy Football League

The Butchers

Owner: Mike Butcher

 The Butchers - playoffs round 1                   

Frerotte, Gus       QB  Broncos
Morton, Johnnie     WR  Lions  
Mason, Derek        RB  Titans 
Gonzales, Tony      TE  Chiefs 
Barber, Tiki        RB  Giants  
Ismail, Quadry      WR  Ravens  
St. Louis           DS  Rams    
Longwell, Ryan      PK  Packers  

King, Shaun         QB  Bucs
Peterson, Todd      PK  Chiefs  
Anders, Kimball     RB  Chiefs