
Fantasy art


About me


All About...

I am April, or as most of you probably know me as Spiraea.  I am a 16 year old female from the North Georgia Mountains.  Currently my employment consists of me house sitting and doing other things.  I am supposed to be starting as a Secretary like person at a children's photography Studio. Fun fun.  
As you probably know, I am an Everquest Junkie.  Currently I have quite a few Characters, there's Spiraea Silentrose, Fayronna Swiftwit, Jalizia Blondroots, Wynterrose, and Zephyria. I play on the Quellious Server and I am Leader of the Harmonic Heroines guild.  
My interests lie in Everquest, reading, writing, and studying how the human mind works.  I am aspiring to become a small time writer and a Child Psychologist.  

Anyone who has seen this picture and has seen the movie The Dark Crystal tells me this picture of me make me look like I'm a Gelfling...Do you think so?