
Sival watched as Shenandoa led her new green dragonet off of the sands, proclaiming loudly that greens were much better than alibis.  He was ready to go and kill her.  What did she think that she was doing, anyway?

Heading out of the stands early to speak to her, Sival realized that Ckyta hadn't showed up for the hatching.  She was probably playing her pipes or something, so he decided to look for her after he spoke to Shenandoa.

"Shenandoa!" He called sharply, and the girl turned her head to him.  "Hey, we need to talk about something."

Shenandoa nodded.  "First I have to feed Tzanth, but then we can talk all that we want, okay?  Just follow me."

The two headed into the Weyrhall, and began to talk.  "Shenandoa, I have to ask you a question," Sival said slowly.  "Now that you've got a green, what do you think about alibis?"

Shenandoa pondered this for a moment, then replied, "Well, alibis are awesome, but Tzanth'd better than any old alibi that you'd see.  I think that you ought to Impress the alibi at Mayeth's clutch, and that way your dragon can chase Tzanth.  You know that alibis are some of the best dragons, so that would mean that it's pretty much guarenteed that your alibi would catch my green."

"What if I Impress a terra?" Sival asked, knowing that this would truly test Shenandoa.  "What if I Impress a sapphire?"

Shenandoa scoffed.  "Well, if you Impress one of those, I can guarentee that you won't be catching my green, because the color of a dragon in the color, and it doesn't matter who rides the dragon."

Sival stood up to leave.  "I have to go, Shenandoa, I'll talk to you you later."  He practically ran to Ckyta's weyr.
