
Heading into Ckyta's room, Sival was very quiet, as the Candidate was bent over an aging gitar and obviously very absorbed in her playing.  It was a new song, and her eyes were closed, which probably meant that it was one she was making up as she went along.  Ckyta never ceased to truly amaze him.

"Hey," He said after she'd played for a few more minutes.  "I need to talk with you, if that's okay.  Do you mind?  Or would you rather play your gitar?  I wouldn't be offended if you said that you didn't want to."

Ckyta shrugged.  "It's not my gitar, but if you want to talk with me, you can," She said, scooting over on the bed to make room for him to sit, and he did so, feeling a few firelizards in his stomach..  "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Shenandoa," Sival sighed.  "Remember how she said she was going to transfer to Mayeth's clutch and get the alibi?  Now she wants me to get it and fly her green."

Ckyta looked at him, confused.  "What do you mean, 'her green'?" She asked, entirely unaware of the hatching.

"Oh, the hatching happened while you were playing on the gitar," Sival chuckled.  "But she got a green, Tzanth.  So now she's saying that I'm going to Impress the alibi and chase her.  Then I asked what might happen if I didn't Impress the alibi, and she said the person who got the alibi would chase Tzanth, no other."  He stopped for a moment.  "I guess I never really realized that Shenandoa is concerned only about rank and looks.  She's doomed for a horrible life, you know.  And so are you."

Ckyta gaped.  So now Sival was going to make fun of her, too.  That was just great.  "Ckyta, you let Shenandoa push you around way to much!  What do you think is going to happen if you get in a wing together?  She'll always be able to push you around, no matter what.  You have to stand up for yourself, and people are starting to think that you're a wimp.  Doesn't that matter to you?"

The girl shook her head softly.  "Sival, everyone's opinion doesn't matter to me.  I care about what the draongs think about me, and..."  She trailed off.  "And I care what you think about me, but that's it."

Sival smiled, reaching out with one hand to brush away a strand of light blonde hair from her face.  "I was kinda hoping that you'd say that," He said, leaning over to kiss her softly on the mouth, then standing to leave.  "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Ckyta nodded, softly, and Sival left, looking down at the old gitar and an idea spreang to his mind.
