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2856.05.09 (May 1, 2001)

Everything is pretty much the same here.  I am still struggling to do well in class, and still spending too much time playing my violin and too little on practicing things that might get me to Jr. Apprentice, like drums.  I don't see the point of drums, though, it's basically just banging a stick on a hollow drum.  Doesn't make sense at all.  I'm serious, though: I might as well go around banging a stick on the tops of the performing harper's heads for all of the importance that it would make.  True musical instruments are much more entertaining than a little drum.  Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to go back to practicing my stick-banging.

2856.05.12 (May 4, 2001)

Something wonderful happened today!  A Searchrider appeared from Dragon Soul Weyr, and chose, out of all of the people here, me!  I cannot believe it...  I am so happy that I can hardly think, and I have to go and pack so that I can leave tomorrow.  I'll give you a more detailed explination of it later!  I'm just too excited to speak!

2856.05.13 (May 5, 2001)

Okay, then, I told you that I'd give you a more detailed explination, and I will.  There was considerable excitement the moment that the blue dragon Darrieth and his rider, T'kel, touched down on the grounds.  More than considerable.  Many of the older female Apprentices were trying to look good to impress him, and I got more than a little bit sick watching them flirt with him.
However, he just chuckled slightly and went to go get something to eat.  It was so hilarious that you couldn't believe it.  All of these girls are pretty attractive, I must admit, but it was still very smart of him to walk away from it all.  Okay, then, back to where I was before...
I was playing my violin softly in the breakfast room, just trying to loosen up a bit so that I could be better at lessons today, and trying to get that sharding F-natural that I always miss.  He came and sat down next to me, and I think that it was needless to say that I was surprirsed.  I kept on playing until the song was over, then laid my violin gently on my lap.  I asked him what was the matter, and he grinned at me, then asked me if I was twelve Turns old.  I was more than a bit put-off about that, but I told him that no, I was thirteen Turns old, and why did he want to know?
He just smiled again and said that his blue, Darrieth, thought that I'd make a good Candidate.  Can you believe that?  Me, a Candidate?  I shall write more tomorrow...  I got three firelizard eggs, and they're hatching now!

2856.05.15 (May 7th, 2001)

I am now the proud owner of three very loud, very annoying, very adorable firelizards.  I cannot believe that I Impressed them, and even though one is a white, and the other two are "just" a blue and a green, they all seem wonderful to me.  I have decided to name the little green Xera.  She's a beautiful forest-green coloration, and I hope that if I get a dragon she'll be as beautiful as this minature.  She's so beautiful, and although all those with queens look down upon her, I think that she's twenty times better than any queen there ever was.
The blue is Crisal, and his coloration is also gorgeous.  He's a light, topaz-blue coloration, although he looks dark in low light, and his light blue shades to a darker blue on his underside.  He's the most calm of the three, and loves people, as well.  He also loves to eat.
I have dubbed the little white Illia.  I feel that it's a female, even though I have no way to be sure.  She's a cream color, rather than white, and is the most hyper, always jumping around and greeting people who visit my weyr.  She's attacked a few, so I try to get her to sleep during the day and be awake at night.  I'll feed her whenever she wants it, of course, although sometimes it gets annoying waking up in the middle of the night and having to sneak into the kitchens for some food.  Ah, well, they're all beautiful and I love them all.  I thank the person that wanted bigger eggs and gave me the small ones- they're much better than most queens and bronzes!