Cerlayn's Story

"Argh, Cerlayn, look what you did!" Marnil shreaked at her younger sister, snatching up the now damaged gitar off of the ground.  The young girl stepped back, confused, as her sister continued to rant about the gitar's cracked neck.  "You mess up everything!  You'll never be anybody, or do anything right!"
"I...  I'm sorry, Marnil," Ceralyn stuttuered, tears beginning to well up in her eyes.

"Marnil, I don't care whether you want a thirty second mark or thirty two, I'm not going to give you any!" Cerlayn said angrily to her older sister as she wailed pitifully.  "Did you ever think maybe once in your life that I'm treating you as you treated me when we were younger?"

"Sorry doesn't cut it, missy!  And I was about to be Apprenticed, too!" Marnil shreaked as she stormed out of the room.

"I just need a few marks, Cerlayn, for a new set of pipes," Marnil pleaded, fingering her gitar, a differant one than the one that Cerlayn had broken so many turns ago.

"I am never speaking to you again!  When I get Apprenticed later, don' t ever expect anything from me!" She screamed, turning quickly and slamming the door, leaving a sobbing Cerlayn behind.

"I said no, Marnil," Cerlayn replied coldly, her piercing hawk-eyes stabing through her sister as easily as Thred.  "If you had treated me nicer when we were younger, I might of agreed.  If you had supported Tiralir giving me that violin, maybe.  But now, no!"

"I...  I'm sorry, Marnil," Cerlayn whispered to the door that her sister had just stormed out of.

Stamping to the enterance of the cothold, Cerlayn followed the small road down to the pasture where her horse, Shaymal, sat, munching quietly on his feed.  Cerlayn was about to mount the horse when a sudden though occured to her, and she turned back to her cothold, realizing a way to get away from Marnil easily...


Cerlayn sighed deeply as she walked with her bag slung over her left shoulder, in search of her new weyr.
The whole weyr had been bigger than she'd expected, and she was having trouble findng where she was supposed to go in this huge place.
  A young boy began to travel beside her, and eventually he asked a question.  "Are you here for the abandoned dragons?"
"The what?" Cerlayn asked, confused.  The idea of an abandoned dragon revolted her, and she didn't think that dragons stayed alive after their riders died.
"Abandoned dragons," The boy repeated, gesturing towards a dark cavern, from which came pitiful moans and wails, the sounds of dejection and lonlieness.  "We had some for a while, but they were all Impressed.  Now we have three greens that are looking for lifemates.  Would you like to try?"
"I"m not a Candidate," Cerlayn said, craning her neck to look at the three greens.  "They're so sad...  I'm just someone here to play music, though...."
"Really?" The boy asked excitedly.  "Candidates cannot stand, only weyrfolk.  Would you like to try your luck at one?"

You'll never be anybody, or do anything right!

Whatever doubts Cerlayn had were erased at that time.  "Yes," She said, setting her pack down to rest and walking towards the mouth of the cavern.  For a moment her piercing slate-blue eyes softened as she repeated the words.  "Yes, I would."

Follow Cerlayn into the Cavern

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