So You Wish To Witness My Interpretation Of What We Think Is Life

We Are Molded By Our Surroundings

Forever is a long time I have seen a lot of tragic scenes in my time.I'm young yet far from dumb I often asked myself "why" in many cases but "why" never gave me many answers only more questions.To battle your self is the biggest battle an individual can face because all the problems & solutions begin and end there.I look at emotions as being our greatest strengths as well as weaknesses.Love can be pure & satisfying or it can be manipulative & deceiving but we all experience it some time in our lives.The disease that plagues society is hate & contempt everyone on the earth is scattered no one is in their proper places. The battle against hunger & want with the poor is being wasted by the rich at the expense of the poor at times.As long as there is injustice you will always have rebellion which leads to chaos. Most people are wandering in the dark without knowing that they can shine light on their situation at any time.These concerns are not easily met so rejuvenating will take a little more consideration to that which has become devastating to the mind.So the Battle starts from within and only appears to be Forever.

Take A Journey Who knows What One May Find?

Next Generation

This is a page direct from my mind.This is not a page of misconception but rather my reality you may see it one way someone else may see it as another however allow your senses to expand & understand that genius is often misunderstood.

Born Culture Allahİ 1997

You notice the Solar System above you should recognize the Great Luminary in the center.Imagine if we utilized our forces like the Sun we would be all powerful but look at the role of the Sun.It never forget it's duty which is to bring forth life to all living organisms on the Planet Earth & also forces the nine planets to rotate.The Sun is a mystery nobody knows much about the Sun other than it's ability to force anything under it's will but nothing can control it.You can style the Sun as the truth which can condemn the lie & force the liar under it's will.The truth brings forth life the truth stands alone like the sun.You don't need an army when you have the truth on your side.Many wise men have died for truth & righteousness many of them only had the Word of Truth.For Freedom,Justice,Equality some may have been murdered at the hands of cruel enemies but there souls were free from the devilishment & negativity existing within the devils enviroment of hell.You must understand that no planet is meant to be treasured as a "thing" but rather is a Divine Creation which serves it's purpose as signs for us to have a more harmonious self.The Universe is always at peace you never hear the planets up there raging at each other if a planet drops or loses it's orbit it's to show us signs that something Universal is about to take place since we are on this planet we can only expect the worse.A Mystery is only meant to be Solved.

Book Of Life