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Cast away care. Drive dullness away
Brighten up and rejoice! In the moment today


Welcome to my


Wonderful Web of Wishcraft


The Earth Proclamation Creed Charge of the Goddess
Why am I not Christian? Dreams Stop the Mother's Curse
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Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon

I'm glad you came to visit my Wonderful Web of Wishcraft. Enjoy your stay. This site has many depths, so if you find an underlined link, click on it to take you deeper. I call it Wishcraft because I can't think of a better label. Besides that, labels and catagorizations are for files not people. There is a difference I'm sure. The important difference here (since we are on the internet and this is in all actuality, a file), is our ability to choose our own catagorization or label. The labels we give to ourselves, that is.

This being my WWW, the catagory is my own and I am a person who practices what I call "Bathtub Wishcraft". Which basically means that many of my wishes are made while relaxing in a warm bath; surrounded by candlelight; with sweet, aromatic incenses to sooth my senses, and I am able to privately relax and center myself with minimal interruptions. More on that soon!

After reformatting my "C" drive and losing everything due to lack of respectable backup, it has taken me a while to gather everything to begin working on The Heirophant's Proselytizer Questionnaire(HPQ). I was smart enough to have a hard copy of my Christian friend's responses to the HPQ, whos effort prompted me to edit the questionnaire, finally! However, since the HPQ is so darned long, this is taking quite some time. But I'm definately working on it! For my refutation I have really had to do my homework too and study actual references rather than rely on unscholarly propaganda. I have learned much and am deeply indebted to this good Christian for strengthening my stand in my own beliefs as well as in the beliefs of others. We are all children of Mother Earth and seekers of Wisdom. The answers to all of lifes unanswerable questions can indeed be found within...even the bible teaches this.

I will put my laws in their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall not teach one another or say to each other, 'Know the Lord,' for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.(Heb 8:10-11)



After a while you learn that love doesn't mean leaning, that kisses aren't contracts, and presents aren't promises... And you begin to accept defeats with your head up and your eyes open, With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child. So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. And you learn that you can endure... that you really are strong and you really do have worth, and that with every new tomorrow comes the dawn.


My rules are simple and few.
If it hurts, don't do it.
And if it feels good, do!


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I have been so neglectant to my guestbook that I am embarrassed. It's much easier to reach me through my email. *sheepish grin* And if you have signed my guestbook, fear not! I will respond. It's just taking me a while to get caught up.

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Last updated 1-7-2004

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