German Books Published in America

Collecting German-American Books

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My own experience with collecting German-American books began when I was in Junior High School, taking German classes for the first time. I discovered that in some used bookstores, I could find a few books in German--usually very old ones. And that's how I discovered that some of those old books had actually been printed in America.

Since that time I have found German-American books in used book stores, antique stores, and at used book sales, such as the annual AAUW book sale. The best states for finding these books are states like Wisconsin, which had a large German population, but I have also found some in California.

The year of publication of the books in my collection ranges from about 1875 to 1909.

Prices I've paid range from about $1-$12.

Guide to German-American Books



Eclectic Series - American Book Company

Catholic Schoolbooks

Jewish Schoolbooks

Lutheran Schoolbooks

Other Schoolbooks

Children's Books





Anthologies and Annuals

Modern Publications

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