
"In our society generally, politeness dictates a certain show of respect for anything religious. At a meeting, when somebody says, "let us pray," heads generally nod; in public, when somebody shares his beliefs, one nods again out of good manners; on one's doorstep, when somebody interrupts dinner to offer a copy of Watchtower, one is supposed to refuse politely, restraining one's impulse to disembowel the jerk where he stands. Believers are so used to this automatic deference, so accustomed to supposing it to be their due, that they tend often to be quite shocked at what they see when they show up on HolySmoke.

"HolySmoke ain't polite."

~ Don Martin, Holysmoke's resident Wicked Old Atheist

What is Holysmoke?
Holysmoke on FidoNet
Holysmoke on IRC
What else can I find out about Holysmoke?
So Who are these people anyway?
The Holysmoke Ring

Midi credits: "On the Edge of Reason",
an original piece by Holysmoker Michael Hardy


Holysmoke Hot Topics

Click here to look at sites pertaining to current conversations in Fido. Regularly updated!

What is Holysmoke?

One of my odder pasttimes is hanging out in Fido: Holysmoke, which has variously been described as a "religious foodfight", a "pit of eviiiil", and other fitting and not so fitting appellations. For me, it is a place where religious views (and all manner of other assumptions and beliefs) are not accorded any sort of "divine right" to respect and consequently it is a place of great honesty for those who choose to seek it.

Warning: Holysmoke is not for children!

Holysmoke is accessible via FIDONET BBSs -- you're going to have to get OFF the Internet and call a BSS that carries it.

If you do not have local access to a BBS that carries Fido: Holysmoke, you may telnet to Holysmoker Dave Hamilton's BBS at bbs.sbase.com. Tell him I said hi!

You can also meet a few of the regulars and past participants on IRC at another.net on #holysmoke. You'll find me cleverly disguised as CattyBtch, the nickname given me by Fido:Holysmoke wierdo, John Prewett. He thinks JFK is the Antichrist, though, so it *may* not be accurate. Then again....?

You know you're addicted to IRC if...

Excerpts from IRC's #holysmoke:

Busted by da LAW! Our first encounter with anothernet's IRCops!
Kevin McKenzie Gets Revenge on Horny Net Geeks

Excerpts from Fido: Holysmoke:

Don Martin Responds to Evangelistic Spam
Why I am Not a True Christian" Kat was good enough to rescue this post of mine from last year.
Katherine's Holysmoke Excerpts While you're at it, go take a look at Kat's growing collection of Holysmoke excerpts, including all the Marty chronicles and more!

Here are a few stray items of interest to Holysmokers:

The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce Recently named the "Patron Saint of Holysmoke"

The Restored Church of the Holy Star Goat Talk of religion sometimes spawns religion. This is but one of many that have been born in Holysmoke.

The NEW Holysmoke FAQ!The Holysmoke FAQ Hector Plasmic is the new FAQ Keeper, and Kevin McKenzie is housing it in Geocities. And will wonders NEVER cease?? After 2 years I'm finally IN the blasted thing!!

Who's Who? The Holysmoke Alignment List Kat's informative and infamous list explaining everything you really need to know about the Holysmoke regulars.

Judith's Goo Gallery Judith's pictorial interpretations of "Holysmokers as I See Them." Now with sound!

Who are the Harpies? Once upon a time, I was but a catty bitch, with occasional dips into such titles as the "Goddess of Atheism" (don't think about it too much, you'll get a headache), but my highest honor is to be among the illustrious trio of Holysmoke HARPIES! Who are we? Come find out....and remember: You've been warned!

Holysmoke Personalities on the Web

Styx Allum's Home Page - - Styx began Holysmoke years ago on a local BBS...since then Holysmoke has become one of the most heavily trafficked echos in FIDONET, in large part to Styx's light touch with moderating duties, coupled with a firm hand in seeing to it that the few (actually, one) rule of Holysmoke IS enforced. (Wanna know what that rule is? Come to Holysmoke and find out -- or you can read about it in the FAQ)
Styx's Wilderness Page

The Ultimate "Let Me Tell You About My Grandkids" Homepage Judith Bandsma's Brag Book.

Judith's Mine All Mine Page Judith in her Holysmoker mode, includes her "Holysmokers as I see them"! Many thanks to the Afrikaaner Mini Van for spurring Judith into making this one of the BEST Holysmoke sites online!

Christopher Baker Atheist links and rings.

William M. Branham Home Page - - this one doesn't REALLY belong here, as it's not a Holysmoker's site. It IS about the religious assertions of one of our odder ducks, Anthony Grigor-Scott. He's been spending a lot of time talking about these "miraculous" pictures, so go take a look.

Evolution's Tiny Violences: The Po-Halo Mystery John Brawley, author. How can a man this intelligent not understand the concept of zero?!

Catty's Castle Lynda Bustilloz' Home Page (yes, that's me!), devoted to literary and visual arts, and more.

Catty's Chapel Also my page - The Chapel now has it's own space - spend some time here looking over the vast world of spirituality and religion.

Curry's Home Robert Curry's Homepage

Karen Davis' Homepage Includes pictures and some of her activities on other BBS networks.

Matt Giwer This former Holysmoker Fundy is now busy making an ass of himself on the Internet!

Darrell Gonzalez Another funny fundy! See his picture, take a look at some of his interests, and don't forget to stop by his Hope and Home Page.

Michael Gothreau aka Satan, aka 'if' in IRC. Michael's page tells of yet ANOTHER persona of his, Mick Buzzworthy, who just happens to be a musician!

The Hayes Family of Pretoria - Steve Hayes A relative newcomer, this African Orthodox Christian is not exactly winning a lot of friends or influencing people, but he's been an interesting addition to the Holysmoke dysfunctial family.

Dave's Marine Biology Home Page See what Dave Horn's doing when he's NOT debunking creationism.
Dave Horn's Creationism Page But of course, we want to know what he IS doing to debunk Creationism...

Lovebear's Den Christopher Hughes. This denizen of #holysmoke has entered the FIDO fray with a vengeance!

Roger Hunter's Web PageProgrammer and retired seismologist, and one of the more level headed Holysmoke participants, except when he's cussing me out in my guestbook. (G)

Around the World in 80 Proof The Drunken Adventures of a Curious Character - Marty Leipzig.

Stuart Lumgair's Homepage Aviation links.

Interesting Ideas Exchange: Michael Martinez Go exchange a few interesting ideas with him. *snicker*

Kevin McKenzie's Homepage Kevin is back! He can occasionally be found in #holysmoke. Unfortunately, a 20 credit school load may prevent him from spending much time in Fido:Holysmoke for awhile.

John Musselwhite Rev John's has developed an excellent jump off point for such interests as pianos, change-ringing and other musical interests.

John Prewett's Homepage Yes! Now you too can understand why JFK must be the Antichrist! Plus lots of other assorted Prewettian lunacy.

Dave Rice Come take a look at his new boat and take a peek at his plans for to sail away!

The Skeptic Tank - - Longtime better educated 'Smoker Fred Rice's site.

P.G. Simpson's Home Page - - Preston Simpson's views on everything, more or less.

Rod Swift's Queer Links Page A ton of links from my favorite hellion. :)

High Reaches: The Todd Family Homepage.Gwenny, Glen and clan
The Cult of Gwenny the Pooh's Tits Homepage
newRaelin's Recovery Page An excellent new page by Gwenny.

KatPurr's Window - - The Practical Pagan Katherine Wintersnight's Eclectic Wiccan Page. Check out her Holysmoke page to see the current Holysmoke Alignment List.

#holysmoke personalities

Mephisto's Abyss Brian Kolachy, aka Mephisto! Go see his page, and maybe he'll give you a poptart! That is, if his cats haven't got him tied up somewhere...

Jeffrey L. Nonken's HomepageOldtimers in Fido: Holysmoke will remember Blanche Nonken. She hasn't yet found a BBS that carries it, but she and her husband Jeff (jnork) are both regulars in #holysmoke. Come visit their website! They've got pictures!

Blanche Nonken This is Blanche's own site.

Al's Cosmic Comic Homepage Al Schroeder is Baaaa-aackk......in IRC, anyway. He's posting occasionally in FIDO as well, but primarily to pick up old dead issues that he called a waste of his time when he left. Go figure.

Hepcat's Hangout Michael Hardy's brand new site, devoted to music and chess.

Tales from the Bitstream Frenchy and Jabberwok! Includes their columns and...pictures!
newDeify Yourself - The Beginner's Guide to Self-Immortalization Oh Frenchy, what have you done?! LOL!!!!

Another couple who met online:
Becke's Page Becke Boyer's Freebie's Page
Gosseyne's Soapbox Paul Boyer's Homepage. Gee, Goss, Becke sure did a good job on those graphics....think we could have some content soon?? ;)
Why I Am Not a Christian Becke has created an outstanding new page, full of skeptical links and her own thoughts on Christianity.

Peter Trussel's Home Page aka bnemesis.

Lynn's Aerosmith Page No, Lynn Bryan isn't a participant in #holysmoke. But her husband Kevin (AKA "srd") is. He keeps saying he'll be getting a page up real soon now, but until then, here's hers! By the way, Kevin came to Holysmoke after reading this page! We went to High School together!

Kevin W. Davidson's Home Page Another Kevin, this one known as SoftLogik. He's recently begun participating in the channel, is a liberal Christian (somewhat less radical than I was) with some interesting ideas. He also sponsers the #bible-discussion channel in another.net.

HolySmoke Webring
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Comments to: Lynda Bustilloz
Last updated: Wednesday, June 11, 1997

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