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[Role Play]

Perhaps one of my biggest and most addicting of habits is that of Roleplaying online. Some of the most memorable characters that I have employed are Xellos (from Slayers) and Solo, though I have begun several others, including Steve from Poppy Z. Brite fame. When I am especially inspired, I tend to write small ficlets concerning the actions that have or are occurring. This is where I shall be housing such pieces.


In the Lightning - What snooping brings a curious Xellos...and an unprotected Val

Good Morning Monologue - The wonders of a morning after.

The Choices We Ignore - Val's perspective on his partner's mannerisms.

The Games We Play - Late night club scenes bring ideals to people's heads.

A Figment of Elliot - Habits that die hard aren't quite explain in the broadest of terms.

Unfaithful - A random encounter between the sheets.

Cause and Effect - The chain reaction starts with a single moment...


Returning to When - Someone unexpected returns to keep watch.


The Ribbon of the World - The prior life and the tale that leads her to the present state, trapped as she is.

Epilogues of a Long Night - The ocean is the perfect place to lament after a long night...

[Take My Wings]

Postcard Greetings - Based on a "what if" scenario, Kazu and Gremory taking an extensive roadtrip.

Touched - Kazu coming to hand a less than pleasant message over to Cade.

Bent - Raphael's search to discover the truth behind the ultimate puzzle.

The Cycle - A trip through Azrael's history, his love affair, his promise, and his punishment.

Marble and Morphine - Kazu, breaking under the weight of Freyr's condition, takes drastic measures to absolve himself of guilt and protect the others.

Fire (The Birth of Disease) -In response to a fic someone else created, Azrael discovers his beloved Nathanael is lost to him, and his reactions are beyond even what he anticipated.

The State We're In - Kazu, thrown over the guilt of a hundred different issues, takes a final step in his state of being.

If I Holler... - A response to a fic that Sha is writing, this is a "what if Grem died" piece.

Midnight Whispers - A rare "Cannon" piece, this takes place days before Kazu meets Freyr for the first time.

Sweet Sounds of Grief - Another Kazu angst fic, this shows his rough battle with the death of his beloved.

Waterproof - An unnatural happy piece where Kazu is busy getting ready for his wedding.

Come Reap - A cannon piece, this tells of Azrael's crime and the brutal punishment handed down to him,


Genesis - The first peak into Phoenix's head, his initial crush on his roommate Jeremy, and the step that lead him to Tizra's abusive hands.

Fade Out - A short piece, this is a focus on Phoenix's state of mind after his first intimate encounter with Tizra.

Image from Sango Show