Author: Chauni


Notes: A piece I wrote, this is concerning a certain roleplaying session I have going with a few people. The short work follows the path of a young man by the name of Phoenix and his crush on his roommate, Jeremy. Later on, he ties up with an abusive boyfriend by the name of Tizra, but that is only hinted at here.


Details:  Angst, Homosexual themes


Dedicated to: PC and Sha



December 17th, 2002

I can’t tell you what I am thinking today, really. Well, I probably can, as it has been the same thing that has been running through my head for four months, twenty-six days, and fifteen hours now, from the first day I had moved in, the day I had gone through with the request of the add inside the crumpled newspaper that I now kept in a box as a keepsake. I do things like that, you know, holding things close that have significant value. This just seems to have the most important weight of them all at the moment, and I can verify that on a hundred nights built on sapphire lagoons that shimmer like a virgin eve.

Why him? I don’t think I can even answer that, born from different stars, different constellations and different lives. Our breaths are separate, our hearts slam into solid prisons at individual times, and yet I cannot help feel bound in his dreams, a helpless sacrifice to the altar of his entirety.

But we have played the game long enough, danced and parried in our little movements, and I’m growing tired. He needs to know, needs to know why my arties pump my blood, why I hide beneath blankets while watching horror movies, needs to know why I lock myself in my room when I hear his heavy footsteps making a path from a friend’s car onto our porch at three in the morning.

I have to tell him, voice the demons that sit inside me, stroke my ventricles with sharpened talons. He needs to know, to understand, that…

I mean it. The flirting, the promises, the flush that works like lashes across my body. It’s all for him, all of it, all that could ever be created out of this small body, all that these hands shall ever create, they build and all they decimate, is all for a simple glance from his eyes.

He has beautiful eyes, not because of the color or the shape.

I see his soul waving at me from the depths, smiling with its palm wavering through layers of blood and water, mouth working silently, a secret for me to peel away. He is the most attractive of puzzles, a million pieces that shift and change shape upon command, a hundred different ideas wrapped in the fragile cage of flesh. I want to love each piece, each thought and piece of identity, want to love him with all that a person has the capacity to do so with.

He taught me how to feel, how to accept my fate, my passion and my desire, decreed “incorrect” by a dispassionate society of granite eyes. He taught me more of myself than anyone has ever dreamed to caress before.

I owe him every inch of me.

Beyond that, I want to give myself to him, bared and naked, no boundaries of ribs and muscles, no egos or fragility.

Tonight, I will finally tell him.

Tonight, Jeremy will finally know that I…love him.

Small smile covering his lips, Phoenix closed his worn journal and held it to his chest. It was melodramatic drivel, as he well knew, but it was melodramatic drivel from the soul, which apparently justified it on some level. The light that stole through curtained windows had long since been coaxed into hiding, and all he had to go on was the small touch-activated lamp on his nightstand. Lying here now, strewn across his bed and staring at a ceiling that held all the excitement of white paint, he could hear his heart thudding, screaming to get free of its restrictive haven, to soar across the room and into the hands of a roommate who he was waiting up for.

Green numbers changed, whispering of minutes that faded into hours if left to their own devices, and he ignored them. There was no need for time, to worry of such mundane things when he could do nothing to quicken their steady march. Closing his eyes (beautiful hazel orbs that glistened the most alluring of golden suns), he let his fingers drift over his journal, swirling in the groves of Celtic designs along the worn leather cover.

This book was his private church, an inner sanctum that no feet had embarked on before. Every dream, hope, aspiration was scripted in black ink upon yellowed pages, the edges all different lengths to give it a “classic” feeling. It fit comfortably against his chest, held there perfectly by twin arms, and lingered beneath his bed on the days when he could not carry it beside him.

Nothing more than the lead actor in his own romantic comedy, he had scripted out his declaration of love, had peered at it through every angel, every different possible answer to his statements. The amount of days he had been planning this had been lost weeks ago; it was all a matter of gathering the courage to pry apart lips that often stumbled over simply words like “Hello” when in the company of someone he did not know. And though he had hundreds of chances to respond to the flirting his roommate did like an average person, none of them had seemed perfected, etched and captured in the faucets of a cut jewel.

But this night spoke his name on the wind, and he knew, knew, no other time would suit his purposes, would call to him as perfectly as today did.

He must have dozed, for when Phoenix pried apart long auburn lashes, he noticed it had sped forward a couple of hours. He briefly wondered what woke him up, until he heard the keys in the front door, jingling like Christmas bells, merry, happy little things. Bones popped as he stretched, swinging legs wrapped in over-sized pants from the bed, bare feet meeting the glossy wooden floor, chilling gently at the touch. Dashing to the front door, through the living room to do so, he took a deep breath, hand curling around the frigid frost of the door handle.

All or nothing. There is no other way around this and you know it. Just three little words, Phoenix, three little words that hold the weight of your world locked inside isolated syllables.

Throwing open the door, smile etched upon his lips, Phoenix shifted from foot to foot nervously. “Welcome home, Jer—”

Words died like mayflies on his lips.

The world suddenly grew colorless, tasteless, soundless as Phoenix met with the image of his roommate, blonde and blue, the scent of smoke and club and sweat and sex thick in the air like an aura. And he looked so beautiful, beneath the delicate darkness laid across the city, illuminated by the 70 watt porch light, looked so damn beautiful as his lips were pressed against those of another man.

Phoenix felt his stomach lurch forward, felt the impossible cement fashion itself through his marrow, and he could do nothing but stare, watching them move in each other’s arms, the sound of the kiss like screaming war declared mercilessly against his ears. He could do nothing, the weight of his eyes keeping him rooted to the spot, the script suddenly replaced with an internal monologue of a wretched tragedy. Tears collected in the corner of his eyes, but he bit their burning caress back until he could be alone.

They broke apart, and clear sapphires were leveled onto him warmly. Phoenix wondered if the anguish showed on his face, registered in the dying amber of his hazel eyes.

“Hey, Phoenix,” his roommate, Jeremy, purred, walking inside with his guest. “You’re up a little late.”

“I…I heard the keys…” The voice that spilled from his lips was uncertain, shaking along the edges, unsure of what to say and what was appropriate. He itched to get back to his room, to his journal, to sob into his pillow as the shattered edges of his heavy heart ground into bleeding lungs, choking him. He caught the couple’s locked hands, fingers laced, taking steps towards his roommate’s bedroom, and no words could describe the dread that caressed the blood in his veins.

“H-have fun,” he had managed to get out, before retreating into the sanctity of his room, tear tracks like scars against the smoothness of his cheeks.

July 10th, 2003

I catch Jeremy looking at me when he thinks I’m not paying attention, and it carries a weight with it that I don’t know how to describe. Sometimes, I compare it with the look I had months ago, but I know that can’t be it. He’s just a flirt, a best friend, but he doesn’t care for me in that sense, as I know and remember.

I think he worries because our time has sizably decreased as of late. Doesn’t he realize that he can never be replaced? I have never had better confidant, other than this journal here. A journal won’t walk me to my room after watching scary movies, though

Tizra surprised me today by coming over, an event that never fails to make me happy. However, I upset him by wanting to go out with my friends; I was such a fool not to ask him if it was all right first. I can be so selfish at times, and it’s a wonder how I am so lucky to have someone like Tizra in my life, so patient with me even after all the times I have bothered him or made mistakes.

No one has ever loved me in the way he has before.

He is the only one that can watch out for me, that can take care of me, that can show me all I need to know.

After all, that is what he told me last night.

And I believe him completely.

The End