ðHgeocities.com/area51/shire/3112/enemy65million.htmloocities.com/area51/shire/3112/enemy65million.htmldelayedx^ÕJÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÈ '˜wOKtext/htmlpáw5ówÿÿÿÿb‰.HWed, 08 Jul 1998 22:22:18 GMT¦Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *^ÕJw The Enemies of 65,000,000 B.C.

Thunder stuns all dinosaur! You know? ~Translation
Lightning stops dinosaurs and reptites in their tracks. Use it against these foes, and they don't have a chance.
This is the list of all the enemies in 65,000,000 B.C. Since these monsters were around before the creation of magic, they don't have any defenses against magic. So, zap, drop, shade, dance, whatever, the dinos of this era.
The Monsters of 65,000,000
Name HP Weakness Charm to get What you win
Amphibite 100 ----- 2 Horns -----
Anion 152 ----- ----- 2 Feathers
Avian Rex 327 Lightning ----- Feather
Azala 2,700 ----- Shield -----
Black Tyrano 10,500 ----- Magic Tab
(i think)
Cave Ape 436 ----- Fang Fang
Croaker 100 ----- 2 Fangs -----
Evil Weevil 158 Magic Dream Gun Feather
Fly Trap 316 Attack Dream Bow Petal
Gold Eaglet 400 ----- Ether Feather
Kilwala 160 ----- Petal Petal
Megasaur 830 ----- Aeon Blade Fang
Nizbel 4,200 Lightning 3rd Eye -----
Nizbel 2 4,200 Lightning 3rd Eye -----
Nu 1,234 ----- Mop 3 Petals, 3 Fangs, 3 Feathers. The first time you beat him, he gives you a 3rd Eye, too
Pahoehoe 250 ----- Petal Petal
Rain Frog 100 ----- ----- 2 Fangs
Reptite (green) 92 Magic Magma Hand Petal
Reptite (purple) 336 ----- Mid Tonic Mid Tonic
Runner 196 ----- Horn Horn
Shitake 158 Magic Petal Petal
Terrasaur 1,090 Magic Lapis -----
Volcano 257 Water Lapis -----
Winged Ape 450 ----- Ruby Vest
(why would Ayla want to charm a winged ape?)

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