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Historical Background

Well, Menfuisu was reall probably based on the the model of King Tut, who also mysteriously died at 18. Howard Carter did find such inscription that says who ever disturbs the eternal sleep of a pharoah will be avenged upon, and many people did die very mysteriously. But aside from that, there are no real big background on the specific characters -- except for Imhotemp, who was a very famous architect known for his design of pyramid. But, Ouke does follow many general things of ancient Egypt, and the below is a summary.

Egypt -- A Gift of the Nile River

The Predynasty Period

Farming along the Nile was started probably about 5000 B.C, and small villages formed along the valley in 3600 B.C. The two lands were called the Upper and Lower Egypt which was first united by Narmer, or Menes, in 3100 B.C. He founded the family of rulers which is now called the first Dynasty. The capital of that period was Memphis. It was since then that taxes,accounting and writing evolved, and an astronomer in Heliopolis invented a calender that was to enable the farmers to predict the weather, as well as the life-giving Nile's flood.

The Old Kingdom

The Third Dynast begain in 2866 B.C, but the first characteristic Old Kingdom Pharoah was Zoser (2667 -- 2547 B.C). He and his famous vizier, Imhotep, riased the first pyramid (a step-pyramid) in Saqqara. In 2589 B.C, Cheops, the 4th Dynasty Pharoah began his reign and constructed the biggest pyramid at Giza, which sonsited more than 2,000,000 blocks. The blocks were fit together with laser precision that modern archaeologists are still puzzled about it. Following the example of Cheops, Chephren and Mycerinces built the other two at Giza and the Sphinx was erected by Chephren. In the 5th Dynasty, though Egyptians won wars in Asia, central power was greatly weakened and Egypt became very unstable. After the long reign of Pepy II, First Intermediate Period followed, and famine spread all over the land.

The Middle Kingdom

The Theban Prince Mentuhotep founded the eleventh Dynasty. He brought Egypt out of the chaos of the First Intermediate Period, and organized the Upper Egypt and conquered the rich delta of the Lower Egypt. The capital was then moved to Thebes, which marked the begining of the Middle Kingdom, where trade and commerce were revised and increased. Paintings, crafts and sculptures developped energetically. As Egypt became unstable again, the Second Intermediate Period followed the Middle Kingdom, which came to a violent end in 1567 B.C.

The Middle Kingdom

The fighting against the Hyksos, the ruler of the 2nd Intermediate Period, started off by Sekenanra, a Theban prince. But both he and his elder son, though did very much to drive the Hyksos out, died in the campaing. It was actually his other son called Ahmose who finally defeated the Enemy and founded the magnificent era of the New Kindom. Egypt's mightest rulers extended the boundary to their farthest limits, raised significent and enormous monuments, and created huge volumes of literature as well as exquicite art -- from colossal statues to ornaments of ivory and gold. During this brilliant era, famous kings whom we hear the most often and whom have spread Egypt's glory to its fullest, include Tuthomsis III, the king who extended the border to the farthest in history and won many wars as well as conquered the most lands; Amenhotep III who spread the wealth of Egypt all over the world, who the was succedded by his famous son Akhenaten in 1379 B.C.. Akhenaten was famous, but was not welcomed as his father was, for he changed the traditions, and believed only in one god -- the Sun God, instead of worshipping Amun-Ra. He also changed the way of art and moved the capital to Amarna with his beautiful queen Nefertit. Their son-in-law, Tutankhamen, whose tomb was the most magnificent ever found, succedded them and moved the capital back to Thebes. Seti I and Ramses II, the tirelsess builder, spent their reign in Pi-Ramsses. Hatshepsut, daughter Tuthomosis II was the famous female-pharoah, whose name and monuments were mostly destroyed by Tuthomosis III out of hatred and jealousy because she had kept him under suppression. During her reign, the country was peaceful and riches come from the Punt were of plenty. Ramses III was the last of the greatest pharoahs. By the time Ramses XI died, New Kingdom came to an end.


A long division thus followed, and it wasn't until 322 B.C had a strong central government took hold and control. Unfortunately, it was imposed by a foreigner, Alexander the Great, who installed the Macedonian Plotemies in his city Alexandria hwere one of the seven wonders of the world, the LIght House of Alexandria once proudly stood. This reign was held such until Queen Cleopatra died in 30 B.C. Then, Egypt fell into the hand of the Roman Caesar Augustus.As the last Egyptian priest died, the hierogluphs became inexplicable until the finding of the Rosetta stone by a French Engineer. The Rosetta stone was written in three different languages: Greek on the bottom, demotic in the middle, and hieroglyph on the top. This stone helped us in solving the codes, which we now have a grasp of understanding of. However, as lots of important information has been lost, Egypt of the Pharoahs will still remain in a mystery in many aspects.

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