antichrissy's Bastard!! Fix
Ankoku no Hakaijin (Bastard!! The Dark God of Destruction)

NEW! 11.12.01. I've neglected this page since the beginning of October? How dare I?! Don't worry, I've neglected plenty of things in the past month. I just spent the last week in Orlando babysitting my brother's kids while he went to Vegas! I had fun, got the Bastard Resurrection video, recorded 2 Sessions of Cowboy Bebop (saving myself 20 bucks) and got drunker than a marine at Mardi Gras. Good times!
I updated Stuff I Own, the Want List, and the Fanart page!! I still need to add Kitsune's new pics but haven't resized them yet, and my Adobe program's being a pain in the ass. >.<

Ladies and Gentlemens, please direct your attention at the
EXODUS Bastard Message Board!
Humor me!

Welcome Bastard fans! This is it, here you have it: perhaps the largest Bastard Gallery in existence! When I first went scouring the net for Bastard!! related sites in 1998, all I wanted to see was pictures, and I wanted them all in one place. I wanted one site to provide me with the viewing pleasure of Darshu and all his pretty little friends. When I didn't find one, I decided to make one, so here we have it: the Bastard!! Fix! So that we can all get our fix.

Whenever I find an original Bastard picture, ie a cel, anything other than mass distributed publicity pictures, I snatch it up right away, fearing I'll never see it again. Yes, some of these pictures are ruthlessly swiped!! But please, if I have swiped your picture and you aren't happy about, don't send me hate mail!! Well, you could send me hate mail, but I'd just end up posting it somewhere on the website for everyone else to read, but I'd much rather offer you a linkback and grovel at your benevolent feet! This site has been created not-for-profit (obviously) and is intended only for the sloppy drooling glee of Darshu-smitten girlies and other Bastard fans, so please don't sue me! Bastard!! belongs to Kazushi Hagiwara, Pioneer Animation and Jump Comics.

Yell if you like it!!

Critics always complain that there's nothing but pictures on this page. Well, duh. They want a synopsis of the story or information or something but honestly, I haven't even seen the entire series yet! Yes I am a dork. What kind of fan am I, you ask? A poor one.

You want a synopsis? Okay. Bad ass wizard Dark Schneider wants to take over the post-apocalyptic world and screw all the pretty girls. A bunch of priests kinda sorta defeat him a little bit and trap his bad ass inside some little punk kid named Rushie, or Luche, or whatever, depending on your sub or dub. Rushie grows up with some little punk redhead virgin Yoko, who has to kiss him to release DS so that DS can protect the city from attackers. DS doesn't want to protect them from attackers but kinda does anyway because the attackers piss him off. DS is naked a lot, which I really like. Woo! Then the ninja Gara kidnaps Yoko, who DS is smitten with, and the princess Sheila has to free DS from Rushie's body so that he can save Yoko. They go to Gara's joint and defeat the fire effreit and kick some ninja ass. Then Gara and DS are friends again. Yay! Then there's some ugly guy named Diamon and Yoko's in some nasty outfit, and DS kicks Diamon's ass too. Then there's this elf chick named Arshes Nei who is DS's adopted daughter/ little love honey and she's forced to fight DS who rips his heart out to save her life. Aww! But DS is immortal because he's cool like that, and he comes back to life again to help Gara and Arshes fight the evil god. The story ends incompleted because the studio never finsished the damn thing. Yes, I know the story better than this. No, there are NOT more than six episodes. Yes, they're out on DVD. There are 22 manga to accompany the anime and they get real complicated but continue the story, and there's art books and postcards and a video game and action figures and other sorts of lovely things that you can find if you look hard enough. It's just freakin cool.
How can an anime named for an expletive not be cool?

Yay, my first award, from Lord Ashram!!!

Feel free to email me at

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