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It is a system that works safely and at times dramatically. Unfortunately the science behind it workings are not clearly scrutinizable and that it is not always able to work and provide time based sure cure. Therefore other examinations and treatments which are more adept to scientific scrutiny and reliability should not be forsaken and risk increased. The fact that it works at all is amazing leaving open an area for science to understand as itself it evolves.

Homeopathy is a medicine system which in principal is like inoculation/vaccination. It seems to work on the principal that if you take something in very very low dilution, it will evoke the immune system to eliminate symptoms similar to those induced by the same material when taken in material doses. For example; taking Coffee in Homeopathic Dilutions will eliminate the symptoms of insomnia, etc. which may arise from taking excess of Coffee. Similarly taking Arsenic or Plumbum (Lead) in Homeopathic dilutions will rid the body of symptoms similar to or those arising from intake of Arsenic and Lead. Preventive use is also prevalent.

The difficulty in making homeopathy work better seems to lie in selecting the medicine, the dilution, the frequency and sometimes the combination of medicines (while taking into account their mutual effects).

The curative powers of Homeopathy are clinically proven and documented (one instance is the Horizon program of BBC wherein instead of humans, to eliminate subjectivity, tests were carried out on animals).

It is safe, as usually only a few molecules of the medicinal material are administered - at times below detectable levels/ numbers. I have a feeling that the future of this ionic (low dilution) administration of information to the immune system to seek it's activation to get of rid of undesirable symptoms is very bright. What is required is to build an understanding and reliability.

It seems there are 'Nosodes' (homeopathic medicines from actual germs) for Anthrax, Smallpox, etc. which it seems are capable of working like preventive medicine and curatives.

SARS, Bird Flu and such un-researched diseases could find a homeopathic cures (in Nosodes, etc.) without having to completely understand the structure or other details of the virus/ source.

Viral cold/cough - a doctor said that it takes seven days without medicine and one week with. I have found that taking globules/ drops of 'Arsenic-30' every 20 minutes or so for up to 24 hours seems to dramatically cut short the infection period.

Sometimes one has to try number of alternative medicine or even different potencies to arrive at the right medicine. Some experts have developed combinations of compatible medicine which are not having mutual antidotal action.

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