This is information for a Role-Playing Game, it is for entertainment (fictitional storyline) purposes only.

World Pantheon

The Creation of the Lands

Moa sculpted the lands as Po Mandok hung the heavens and sent them spinning. The two looked upon their realm and were happy and joyous.

Thereafter Moa gave birth to twin sons and named them Lareth (The Fair Haired) and Moreth (the Dark Haired). Po Mandok saw his sons and was happy and breathed the winds into existence. Lareth and Moreth ran and played upon the lands.

Moa again gave birth to twin sons and named them Marndag and Grondag. Po Mandok was pleased and made the night so that his children might sleep and the day so that his children might be awakened and warmed. Moreth being jealous of Lareth being that Lareth was first born and thus favored of the two, stole away into the darkness of night and made it his home.  Lareth being the true eldest of the first twins was taught the history of all that was and is by Moa and Po Mandok.

Moa again gave birth to twins, but this time they were of womankind. She named her beautiful and beloved daughters Lorana and Morana. Po Mandok then decided to make great bodies of water in which his children could frolic and splash and bath them selves.  Lareth’s knowledge grew as Moreth’s jealousy grew. As Marndag grew he saw the lands and began to work beauty into it by planting trees and grasses. Moa was pleased by this and gave over much attention to helping him. Grondag grew jealous of Marndag’s works and the favor it brought from their mother and father, so he swore to raze and decimate the fields and crops one day and departed from the lands of beauty.

A fourth time Moa bore twins, her new babes she named Aquars and Ladars, and both brother and sister were born simultaneously. Po Mandok wanted his children to be happy so he created for them pets, first were the creatures of the wing to watch over his children and these were his favorite creatures, next he created the fish and placed them within the seas to teach his children to swim, he then created the animals of the forests and the plains to show his children the ways of foraging and hiding. Lareth seeing his fathers creations also wished to create, so under the guidance of Po Mandok, Lareth created the long lived elves to gain knowledge of the world and keep its secrets.  The first he created were Simdar (the Father of the Elves) and Lianeas (the Mother of the Elves). Po Mandok seeing that his eldest sons creation was good gave the elves the beauty of his eldest daughter Lorana. Morana saw this and was jealous of her sisters beauty and attention, so she fled to the refuge of Moreth’s hidden lands beyond the wall of night. Moreth accepted to shelter Morana under the agreement that she help him lure the elves and other creations of beauty to him, and he blessed her with an aura that caused all lesser creatures to lust after her. Grondag seeing the strife beginning to rise between the forces of Light and Dark decided to stand in the middle and claim the destruction that would be wrought from it and direct it against the lands. Marndag also wanted to create so he begged Po Mandok to help him create a race to till the soil and plant the crops. Po Mandok agreed to help him and did, but because Marndag did not have the knowledge of Lareth, his creations that he called Men were not as long lived nor as pure of heart, but they were created in the image of the elves. Moa seeing the creations of her partner and her children decided to create her own servants, she molded them of the sturdiest rock and gave them an inner strength and self reliance unequaled by that of the elves or men, and the skill to shape the earth and create from it objects of rugged beauty and durability. She named her new servants Dwarves, and placed them within the mountains that had not yet been claimed by other beings. Aquars and Ladars being born last had no claims, and being born simultaneously had no jealousy for one another, and were favored equally and above all others by Moa and Po Mandok. Aquars was given the creatures of the sea and its boundaries to watch over and protect.  Ladars was given the forests and its multitude of creatures as her pets to watch over and protect.

Meanwhile Moreth sculpted the trolls from the dark stone beneath his fortress, and brought the flames of his hearth to life as demons. He spent much time creating many manor of vile creatures to inhabit his realm and to wreak havoc upon the realms of others, the most terrible of which where the Great Drakes. As this was being done Morana lured elves into the dark domain, where they were deformed and returned to the lands as orcs. She did the same with men and thus were formed the goblin races.

Then Moa and Po Mandok seeing the rivalries between the eldest and youngest of each of the twins and fearing that her beloved lands would be broken into dust and his heavens tainted by the stench of such a great battle as would embroil all his beloved children and scar and maim them so. They then ordered their children to return home with them beyond the heavens and earth and let the rivalry be decided by the deeds of the created beings. But before Moreth was forced to return he created more creatures of darkness, many of which were not fully formed in his haste. When Po Mandok heard of this, he allowed Lareth to give to the Elves the Knowledge of the Essence to use to protect them selves and to teach to the lesser races that they deemed worthy of the power. Unknown to Po Mandok some of the Elves possessed traitorous hearts, and gave the powers also to the dark forces.

And thus the lands and all within were created.

Of The Deities
Deities come in four different forms (within this religion): Omni-Gods, Greater Gods, Lesser Gods, and Demigods. Omni-Gods are the all-powerful creators of everything, they can even destroy Greater Gods (if so inclined) with a wave of their hand. Greater Gods are the semi-common, but exceedingly powerful beings that have vast (or at least large) spheres of control. The Lesser Gods are the weakest (although still quite powerful) of the true gods. The Demigods are not actually gods at all, they are godlike beings, with extreme power and are often times (for all practical purposes) of an immortal nature, but they can be destroyed by the common races (very unlikely though).

The true Gods can not be harmed by even the most powerful of magic’s originating from the lesser beings. The true Gods very rarely appear in solid form within the world of the lesser races (They contact their followers in the form of visions or dreams), this is due to a decree made by Po Mandok, the creator of the laws of nature.

Here is a list of the most notable deities and demigods, their sphere of control, and a little bit about their origin. Followed by more detailed descriptions and the details of their priests, etc.

Po Mandok- Omni-god, Father of the gods, god of the heavens and weather, god of light, patron god of the Hira’razhir (Avians).

Moa- Omni-god, Mother of the gods, goddess of the Lands as a whole, goddess of healing and birth, patron goddess of the Dwarves.

Lareth- Greater god, eldest of Moa’s first set of twins, god of knowledge and Essence, patron god of the elves and those who use Essence (or the rare Arcane) Magic.

Moreth- Greater god, younger of Moa’s first set of twins, god of darkness, night, jealousy, and deceit, patron god of most of the dark races.

Marndag- Greater god, oldest of Moa’s second set of twins, god of fertility, agriculture, farmlands, patron god of farmers and shepherds.

Grondag- Greater god, younger of Moa’s second set of twins, gad of war, destruction, and chaos, patron god of mercenaries and some soldiers.

Lorana- Greater goddess, older of moa’s third set of twins, goddess of love and beauty, goddess of music and of simple luxuries, patron goddess of brides and hopeful young girls.

Morana- Greater goddess, younger of Moa’s third set of twins, goddess of lust and desire, goddess of vice and the night, patron goddess of thieves and ‘ladies of the night’.

Aquars- Greater god, one of the twins that were born simultaneously and last, god of the seas and all that dwells beneath the waves, patron god of Mermen and mariners.

Ladars- Greater goddess, one of the twins born simultaneously and last, goddess of the forests and the animals that dwell there, goddess of nature, patron goddess of hunters (or at least those that DON’T hunt for sport) and the “Protectorates” (Rangers).

Phao- Lesser god, god of fire and forging, patron god of metalworkers and smiths (especially Dwarves), servant and apprentice to Moa.

Eiaria- Lesser goddess, servant of Po Mandok, goddess of the wind, patron goddess of the Avians (after Po Mandok of course), often looked to by mariners.

Simdar- Lesser god, father of the Elven races, god of the Essence.

Lianeas- lesser goddess, mother of the Elven races, goddess of music, gaiety, and art.

Fannon (The Fair)- Demigod, first son of Simdar and Lianeas, father of the Fair Elves, the Keeper of the Essence.

Langon (The Tall)- Demigod, second son of Simdar and Lianeas, father of the High Elves, the Keeper of Knowledge.

Drow (The Dark)- Demigod, third son of Simdar and Lianeas, father of the Dark Elves, Champion of the Dark Magic’s, servant of Moreth.

Galathad (The Grey)- Demigod, fourth son of Simdar and Lianeas, father of the Grey Elves, the Champion of the Elves.

Sylvis (The Small)- Demigod, fifth son of Simdar and Lianeas, father of the Wood Elves, the Keeper of Nature, master archer.

Aquanis (The Swimmer)- Demigod, sixth son of Simdar and Lianeas, father of the Aquatic Elves, Champion and servant of Aquars.

Herigrond- Demigod, son of Ladars and Equitar, Champion of Nature, Lord over the Protectorates.

Grendgag (The Beast-Man)- Demigod, Champion and patron deity of the Firbulg, Keeper of the Battle Fervor.

Dolurnon- Lesser god, father of the Dwarves, he is the Dwarven god of battle, as well as the Champion of Moa.

Dise- Lesser god, god of luck and games, also of thieves.

Nemesis- Lesser goddess, goddess of revenge (and sometimes of justice?!?).

The Reaper (Grim Reaper, Death, End Bringer)- Omni-god, god of death, some say he is even more powerful than Po Mandok (after all even Po Mandok and Moa will see their end someday!!) , but no one really knows. Probably the most misunderstood of all the deities. His Paladins only number 13 in the world at any one time, and he has no priests.

Marianor- Lesser goddess, goddess of the Sacred Dance (and seduction?!?)

Tolmand (The Cruel)- Lesser god, god of the Undead, god of eternal suffering.

Equitar- Lesser god, god of Centaurs and horses, Patron deity of the Northmen and some cavalry.

More complete descriptions of major Deities and their “Clerics”

Po Mandok: Father of the gods, god of the weather and the heavens, god of light, patron god of the Avians.
Po Mandok can take on four different forms; these include a middle aged avian of sturdy build, a great falcon of amazing speed, an aged man dressed in rags, or as a terrible thunderstorm. He very rarely appears within the Lands. Preferring his many servants (both demigods and Preists) to do his dirty work for him. Po Mandok is of a good, honest, and fatherly nature most of the time; but occasionally he will become angered by some misdeed to him or one of his trusted or important servants, then his wrath can be terrible. His “Holy Symbol” is a sun with four long rays and twelve short rays radiating from it, most often this will be yellow in color, but High Priests and Greater Servants (Demigods that serve Po Mandok) will have a white symbol on a blue background.

Rolemaster: Preists of Po Mandok are the same as the Priest (appearing in Channeling Companion published by Iron Crown Enterprises (see "Links" page for more info).
Base Spell Lists: Ceremonies, Divine Aura, Divine Magic, Holy Element (Light or Lightning( may take both, but then list is learned twice for each one)), Holy Trances, Holy Wind, and four others to be chosen by the player from the other available Channeling Realm lists, pending the GM's approval.
Weapons: Weapon skill rank progression in one category is at 1/5 (all other weapon skills are per the normal cleric costs). These special weapons include: Spear, Javelin, Composite Bow, or Rapier.
Everyman Skills: Signaling, Star-Gazing, Navigation, Weather Watching, Flying/Gliding, any Outdoor Animal skills involving birds, and Astronomy. These clerics serve two basic functions. There are the “Priests of Po Mandok” who run the temples dedicated to him, to lead prayer and ceremonies for the followers of Po Mandok, and to fill administrative positions within the temple hierarchy. The second group are called “Clerics of Po Mandok” (even though they are both of the cleric profession), they serve as ‘field agents’ fulfilling the position of messengers and advisors, to find new converts, and to act as the eyes and ears of the Priests.
Also serving as warriors and escorts for the priests of Po Mandok is the “Order of the Thunder Riders. These are of the Paladin profession. They are one of the more prominent knighthood’s within the lands. They generally wear heavy armor and prefer the lance, spear, or javelin as their primary weapon, but the long or broad sword is also a standard weapon that they all use frequently.

D20 System: As Cleric, with Air Domain and Sun Domain spells. They primarily use lance, spear, or javelin as their primary weapon, but the long or broad sword is also a standard weapon that they all use frequently. Heavy armor is common for them when a battle is expected.

FUDGE: They generally wear heavy armor and prefer the lance, spear, or javelin as their primary weapon, but the long or broad sword is also a standard weapon that they all use frequently when expecting a battle. Magic: as appropriate.

Dominion Rules: Priestcraft skills as appropriate. They primarily use lance, spear, or javelin as their primary weapon, but the long or broad sword is also a standard weapon that they all use frequently. Heavy armor is common for them when a battle is expected.

Moa- Mother of the gods, Goddess of the Land, birth, and healing, patron Goddess of the Dwarves. Moa generally appears as a stout but beautiful matronly woman. Her clerics are of two types, the “Healers”, and the “Land Priests/Priestesses”. Her holy symbol carried by either type is usually made up of a chain (necklace) with a large uncut gemstone fastened to it. The metal of the chain and the type of stone vary depending upon the position of the cleric within the organized church and with the location (local metals and gems are used, with the value increasing as the rank of the cleric increases). The Healers are invariable women, while the Land Priests/Priestesses can be of either sex (although these clerics are much more rare than the healers). Close to half of the clerics are female Dwarves, regardless of which type of cleric they are, and with the rarity of female dwarves being what it is, this gives an idea as to the rarity of Moa’s clerics.

Rolemaster: Healers- as detailed in RMSS (standard six Base Lists, and 4 chosen from the Open and/or Closed Channeling Lists).
Land Priests/Priestesses- Base Lists include the following: Battlefield Healing, Ceremonies, Chants, Faith's Shiled, Divine Magic, Holy Element (earth), and four other Channeling lists chosen by the player, pending the GM's approval.

D20 System: Healers- Use "Healing Domain" spells.
Land Priests/Priestesses- Use "Earth Domain" spells.

FUDGE: Healers- Magic as appropriate.
Land Priests/Priestesses- Magic as appropriate.

Dominion Rules: Healers- Prestcraft skills (no Smite skill), and skills must be used appropriately.
Land Priests/Priestesses- Prestcraft skills (no Prophesy skill), and skills must be used appropriately.

Lareth- Greater God, God of Knowledge and Arcane Magic’s. Lareth appears as either a wise elderly man dressed in white flowing robes with long flowing white hair and beard, or as an owl of huge size. His symbol is that of an owl holding a scroll in it’s talons. His clerics are not as numerous as their deities popularity, because most of Lareth’s followers are men and women of magic or that deal with information, and thus are only occasional worshipers. Being that Lareth is so caught up in his gathering of information and history, he doesn’t seem too concerned about not having many clerics.

Rolemaster: Clerics of Lareth are treated as clerics using the six Seer Base Lists (as they appear in RMSS Spell Law), and four other base lists to be chosen by the player with the GM’s approval from the Open and Closed Channeling Lists and/or from the Cleric or Priest Base Lists.

D20 System: Use "Knowledge Domain" and "Magic Domain" spells.

FUDGE: Magic as appropriate.

Dominion Rules: Priestcraft skills (no Heal or Smite skills), and skills must be used appropriately.

Moreth- Greater God, God of Darkness, the night, jealousy, and deceit.
Clerics of Moreth come in two varieties, there are the Dark Priests who run the temples and the organized cult of Moreth. Then there are the Bringers of Destruction who serve as ‘field agents’ of sorts, traveling throughout the world stirring up trouble and finding new converts to the dark ways.

Rolemaster: Dark Priests- Evil Clerics as described in the RMSS rules.
Bringers of Destruction- Sorcerers as described in the RMSS rules.

D20 System: Dark Priests- Use "Evil Domain" and "Chaos Domain" spells.
Bringers of Destruction- Use "Destruction Domain" and "Chaos Domain" spells.

FUDGE: Magic as appropriate.

Dominion Rules: Priestcraft skills (no Bless or Consecrate skills), with +1 bonus to Curse skill for Dark Priests, and +1 bonus to Smite or Defile skills for Bringers of Destruction.

Marndag- Greater God, God of fertility and agriculture. Marndag appears as a well built man of middle age and noble, attractive features, wearing a pair of wool trousers and nothing else. His symbol is a bundle of wheat.

Rolemaster: Clerics of Marndag are as Animists except as noted here:
Base Spell Lists: Plant Mastery (Animist Base List), Communal Ways, and Channels (both Cleric Base Lists), Creations (Closed Channeling List), Weather Ways, and Nature’s Law (both Open Channeling List), plus four other lists chosen from the appropriate Channeling Realm Lists, as chosen by the player, and pending the GM's approval.

D20 System: Use "Plant Domain" and "Animal Domain" spells (with limits, as appropriate).

FUDGE: Magic as appropriate.

Dominion Rules: Priestcraft skills (no Curse or Defile skills), use as appropriate.

Grondag- Greater God, God of War and Destruction. Grondag’s clerics are as standard clerics with the below listed base spell lists. His temples are not very formally organized, for he needs no organized structure. His clerics are frequently wanderers who travel to wherever there is a war going on. He needs only to watch as wars develop and destruction follows in its wake. Most mercenaries and many warriors make sacrifices (which vary in type) to Grondag before and after battles. His holy symbol is a black sword engulfed in yellow flames. Grondag appears as a muscular man who is very stocky and muscular with long dark gray hair wearing a leather weapons harness bristling with different instruments of destruction.

Rolemaster: Base Spell Lists: Battlefield Healing, Crusade, Faith's Shield, Holy Discipline, Holy Weapon, Holy Wrath, and four others to be chosen by the player from appropriate Channeling Realm Lists, pending the GM's approval.

D20 System: Use "Strength Domain" and "War Domain" spells (however some spells may not be allowed, as appropriate).

FUDGE: Magic as appropriate.

Dominion Rules: Priestcraft skills (no Prophesy skill), use as appropriate.

Lorana- Greater Goddess, Goddess of Love, Beauty, Music, and weddings.
Lorana appears as an unbelievably beautiful and attractive young Elven maiden with long unbound heiliotropic light brown hair and a perfect face and body. Her skin is as white and pure as new fallen snow, and its flawlessness is as soft as a down filled pillow of the finest silk. She wears a thin, flowing low cut gown of white silk that reveals her already perfect figure.

Rolemaster: Clerics of Lorana are the same as the standard clerics with the following base lists: Channels, Communal Ways (both from the Cleric Base Lists), Ceremonies, Controlling Song (Bard Base List), Holy Defenses, Holy Trances, and four other lists to be chosen from the Open, Closed and Cleric Base Channeling Lists. The following are Everyman skills for Clerics of Lorana: Seduction, Dance, Singing, and six appropriate Craft or Technical/Trade skills.

D20 System: (if someone is interested, they will have to contact me, as usual the D20 System is lacking in many areas, and this is one of them)

FUDGE: Magic as appropriate.

Dominion Rules: Priestcraft skills (no Wrath, Smite, or Defile skills), Curse skills are at -1, Heal, Consecrate, and Bless are at +1, use as appropriate.

Morana- Greater Goddess, Goddess of Lust, Desire, Vise, Seduction, and Patron Goddess of thieves. Morana appears as an exceptionally beautiful and attractive young woman (as does Lorana), but there the similarities end. Morana has long black hair and wears a very thin (to the point of being quite revealing, just barely thin enough to be able to see through) black gown, and a heavy hooded silk cloak to match. Her holy symbol is a single black rose (or a dagger made of a black alloy with a black rose carved hilt).

Rolemaster: Her clerics are as described by the rules, except for the following: Base Spell Lists: Dark Channels, Dark Lore, Curses (all evil Channeling Base Lists), Mind Domination (as Evil Mentalism Base List), Allurement (from RMC3), and Darkness (evil Essence Base List), and 4 other lists to be chosen from the Open, Closed, or evil Base Channeling Lists.
Weapons: A dagger made of black Alloy (+20 Quality) with a black rose shaped into the pommel (as described above). It is given to the cleric upon completion of the initiation.

D20 System: Use "Trickery Domain" and "Evil Domain" spells (with limits, as appropraite)
Weapons: A dagger made of black Alloy (+4 Quality) with a black rose shaped into the pommel (as described above). It is given to the cleric upon completion of the initiation.

FUDGE: Magic as appropriate.
Weapons: A dagger made of black Alloy (+2 Quality) with a black rose shaped into the pommel (as described above). It is given to the cleric upon completion of the initiation.

Dominion Rules: Priestcraft skills (no Bless or Consecrate skills), use as appropriate.
Weapons: A dagger made of black Alloy (+2 Quality) with a black rose shaped into the pommel (as described above). It is given to the cleric upon completion of the initiation.


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Presently updating to refelct the use of the Channeling Companion, which I just recently purchased (5/23/98).