
CorwinGreen eyes, black hair, dressed in black and silver, yes. I had on a cloak and it was tightly furled as by a wind. I had on black boots, like Eric's, and I too bore a blade, only mine was heavier, though not quite as long as his. I had my gloves on and they were silver and scaled. The clasp at my neck was cast in the form of a silver rose.

Me, Corwin.

Nine Princes In Amber

He describes himself as tall, dark, wearing silver and black, and clasping his cloak with his trademark, a silver rose. With his blade Greyswandir at his hip, Corwin soldiered and travelled through Shadow, driven by vengeance and pride, battling brother Eric for the throne. And, though he saved Amber from destruction, he remains a tragic figure.

Corwin is especially important to us because it's through him that we know all about Amber. His voice recounts the events of the books we know as The Chronicles of Amber. We see Amber first through Corwin's eyes, learn its powers, weaknesses, secrets and intrigues, and we grow to love, or hate, the members of his family through his experiences.

At one point a couple of his relatives got together and decided to put Corwin on ice for a while. Just to keep him out of harm's way. So they stuck him in the deepest, nastiest dungeon cell they could find. In solitary. Bread and water diet. No talking. No walks.

Straw, stone walls, four steps one way, five steps the other, a slot to shove in the bread and water, and a small hole in the floor for a toilet. And, just to make sure Corwin wouldn't try anything, they put his eyes out. With white-hot pokers.

Still, Corwin had plenty of chances to escape. They opened his cell exactly once a year. Cleaned him up, gave him dinner, and threw him back in for another year.

That tells you something about his relatives. Your relatives.

Corwin got out. Grew his eyes back.

Which tells you something about Corwin. Beaten, battered, drained by everything a variety of universe could throw at him, Corwin just keeps going.

Just for laughs, Corwin and Random once held a fencing match just to see who would get winded first and give up the fight. Hard fencing, like running, exhausts most folk in a couple of minutes, ten minutes if you've trained like crazy for months. Maybe the best fencer in the world could go on for thirty minutes.

Twenty-six hours later the brothers stopped. They could have gone on, but Corwin gave up. It seems he had a hot date.

We could also tell you about the time Corwin carried a big guy on a stretcher. Corwin did it with his arms straight out, for fifteen miles. And that was when he was weak and pale. But we think you get the story by now. Corwin never stops. Ever.

Corwin hasn't returned to Amber after PatternFall with the rest of his relatives. No one seems to know exactly where he is.

Corwin is the second child of Faiella. Faiella was Oberon's third wife. Eric was her first child, Caine her third and Deidre her fourth.

Tuesday, August 19, 1997
Secrets and Lies Want more?
Adapted from Erick Wujcik

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