More on Contributions

Apparently the website doesn't explain contributions properly, since there is frequent misunderstanding. Here's hoping this email will explain things better. If you understand the system already, there's a couple new things at the end of the email.

We are not using Wujcik's system, where you get 10 points towards your initial character design for promising to write contributions for the length of the game.

The system we are using works like this. If you are short on points when you design your character, you can get up to 10 extra points for your character by promising to write future contributions. This is called contribution credit.

As you write contributions, you gradually pay off this credit.

You must pay off your contribution credit with at least 1 point per month, or the remaining credit is applied as Bad Stuff to your character for the next month. ( I said weekly on the website, but really monthly is more appropriate.)

Contributions from players who have no contribution credit to pay off (because they didn't get credit, or because they have already paid it all off) are used as one of several sources of advancement points and story rewards for their character.

Contributions written before the game starts do not add to your beginning points, but they can help to pay off your contribution credit.

A contribution is essentially anything you contribute to the game. Just ask me if you want to do something not mentioned here.

A contribution is usually a diary, 1 point per 'chapter', 2 points if the other players can read it (by being emailed to the group and/or put on a website).

Diaries must be substantially more than just a compilation of the emails your character has participated in. They should include your character's emotions, plans, inner thoughts, moral dilemmas and so forth.

Writing a diary will help enormously, because you will understand and play your character better, and because I will be able to help write a better story for them.

Trumps are another common contribution, 1 point each, 2 points if they go up on a webpage. Your character does not have to be a Trump Artist for you to contribute Trumps to the game. It's nice, but not essential, if contributed Trumps represent Trumps used in the game.

Other possible contributions are descriptions of Shadows or people your character meets, or stories or poetry about them. You could also write descriptions of interesting spells (several spells per contribution).

If you provide your character with a web page containing a short description and general knowledge about them, that is worth 1 point. The more you put up, of course, the more points you get.

I've thought of a bunch of 'special' contributions: some of these are already taken. These are

* Campaign Website consists of

At least one point per month, more depending on SG whim. email if you have something that should go here.

* Amber Historian consists of keeping a record of events in Amber, as recorded by some minor NPC. This includes some sort of timeline. 1 point per month.

If you think that something your character has done should go in the 'official' history, send it to

* Family Gossip consists of a monthly 'bulletin' of rumours, innuendo and lies about events in the family. The kind of thing you tell each other over dinner. 1 point per month.

Once someone takes on this contribution, I'll tell you who to send 'articles' for the 'bulletin' to.

* Reports are sporadic affairs, from Amber City or Shadows near to Amber. They detail interesting events in those places delivered by NPC to the Amber Court. If you want to write a report, let me know and we'll work it out. 1 point each.

Contributions cannot be descriptions of Shadows or story elements that you have bought in your initial character design. Nor can they be stories from the Auction.

Any questions?

Saturday, January 24, 1998


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