Her dear friends call her Hoop!
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Pretty ain't it?
Sunset on Hoop's Mountain.
Photography by Hoop! © 1997

         Hoop has had several requests from her friends for the personal "Scoop on Hoop" page. She calls herself private and her friends call her humble. Whichever the case, I don't know how far I will get with the scoop on her because she is the editor. Maybe, just maybe, I can sneak some information that she will overlook. We can always keep our fingers crossed because she is truly one heck of a lady!

         Now the question is, where do I start? Should I start with hobbies, education, her family, the kind of person Hoop is? Ah, excuse me? I didn't quite hear you there. Oh, okay! Now that sounds rightly good. Let's start with Hoop's hobbies.

         Hoop enjoys painting. She paints on rocks, ceramic pieces from pottery to porcelain, and of course canvas. She is anxious to start on her next project, a mural. Yep, she loves to paint. Don't stand still too long around her. You might find yourself with a pretty picture on your - well, I'll just say jeans here.

         You can see by the photography on these pages that Hoop also likes to take a picture or two. She says she likes to take photographs of G-d's paintings and He gives her a different painting to enjoy every day. Ya just have to take a moment of your time and look. I think she captures the good L-rd's paintings pretty good, don't you?

         Did you know Hoop loves music? She can play several instruments, write songs and then sing them like you never heard a song sung before! The sad thing is, you have to catch her when she don't know you're listening. Yesiree, that lady can sing!

         Hoop likes to garden, too. We are talking a rather large vegetable garden to her love of roses. Her vegetables are a plenty and she freezes and cans most of them for the winter. What is left over she generously gives to others. She is a terrific cook and makes a mean salsa! Her sweet sweet pickles are to die for! People request her salsa and pickles every year and Hoop is more than happy to supply it. You should taste her breads, too. Man, oh man! Makes my mouth water just thinkin' about it. No bread machine for Hoop though. Just good old-fashioned elbow grease!

         Let's move on to her family. She's proud of all of them. She says she would like to keep her family private so I won't be allowed to talk to any degree on them. I can say that she loves them dearly and they her. She was once asked during an interview, "If you were to leave a legacy behind what would it be and why?" Hoop smiled big and looked over to her children and replied, "I already have." It's been my observation that the love this family has is something people envy. The interaction between all of them was definitely made in heaven!

Hoop has always felt a link with her ancestors. She believes that what she is today is because of them. For that reason, she feels they should not be forgotten. Afterall, who we are today is because of who were were yesterday. If you'd like, you can take a glimpse of them at clicking here

         Now we can talk some about her education and accomplishments. Well, I've just been informed that I can briefly touch on these matters. Educated she is. She has more certificates and diplomas than some people have dinner napkins. She is a learned person for sure. Like she says, "I never tire of learning. There is so much yet to learn in this world. If I live to be 1,000 years old I would still be learning." I've never seen anyone as hungry for knowledge as her.

         I bet ya didn't know that Hoop has written a book and has a couple more in the making. She not only likes to write but she always has her nose in a book! Why I've seen her read three books at one time!

         I can tell you a bit about where she lives in New Mexico. She lives with her family in the "Sacramento Mountains". Yes, New Mexico has some gorgeous mountains. She is surrounded by G-d's world and just loves it. She has all one could expect in the mountains. I've included some pictures of her ranch and the surrounding area. This picture library will grow in time. Hoop takes a lot of pictures but has a hard time getting them developed!

         Nothing more I can get away with in telling you about Hoop. There is so much more, too! I can tell ya this. She is the most loyal and loving person I have ever met. There is always room in Hoop's heart to love a child. There is an unbelievable bond she has with children that is hard to imagine unless one witnesses it. You know, even with all the grief and tribulations that Hoop has had in her lifetime she still finds the silver lining with every dark cloud. She really has good hearted qualities. I will tell ya this, ya make friends with Hoop, you have a friend for life!

         Well, there's some of the scoop on Hoop. I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into who she is. I certainly have enjoyed telling you. So long to ya now!

Hoop's Favorite Music: Loves all music!
Hoop's Favorite Book: "Ride the Wind" by Lucia St. Clair Robson
Hoop's Favorite Movie: Toss up between "Gone with the Wind", "North and South", or "Lonesome Dove".
Hoop's Favorite Quote: "I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it." Tommy Lee Jones in "Lonesome Dove".
Hoop's Hero: Her Daddy
Hoop's Famous and NOT so Famous People she would like to meet:
Abraham, King Ramses,Cleopatra, President Lincoln, General Robert E. Lee, Red Cloud, Nocona, Quanah Parker, Richard Harris, several different great Grandparents, and just one last visit with her Hero

Really, that is the moon!
Moon Rise on Hoop's Mountain.
Photography by Hoop! © 1997

Click below to drop a line to Hoop. She loves hearing from people like you!
