Little Fox Island

Lat. 59° 27,45´ Long. 18° 47,05´

It´s an Island in the middle of the archipelago of Stockholm. It´s not a big one, only 250.000 squaremeters. Under the Little Fox Islands domain there are seven small islets with exotic names as Thomasholmen, Bergholmen, Segelskar, Segelskarskobben and Skrakholmarna. 21 families have  theirs summer houses at Little Fox Island for the time beeing.

The Island was exploit 1972 and the plan allows such things as bridges for privat use and small sheds by the bridges. To take you there you will need a boat. If you want to you also can hire a taxi boat.

Fishing is a popular activities for most of the people at the Island. If you are lucky it will help to decrease the costs of living a lot. In the last few years the drafts instead have decreaest.

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Other pages about Little Fox:

The Penguin Contest !!!
Pictures and Album
Littel Fox Homepage (in swedish)

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Our jetty at Little Fox Island

Nearest densely populated area is Ingmarso a bigger island 2 km to NW with food store, post office and bridge for steamship service.

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