Visitors to my site that were brave enough to sign my guestbook.

- 03/25/98 13:29:40
My Email:m2165@webtv.
You r favorite fish: ocean perch
Your favorite fishing spot: don`tfish

You have a great homepage wish I could do something like that I`m still trying

Pete Villa - 03/23/98 05:19:46
Your favorite fish: raw fish
Your favorite fishing spot: you haven't shown me yet!

Great home page, I like your fire pictures, what fire person wouldn't. But where's the one with your boss? you know the guy that calls the shots, keeps you safe and makes you all that overtime!

steve vogel - 03/21/98 06:40:51
My URL:http:/ /
My Email:beerhunters@webtv .net
Your favorite fish: dead
Your favorite fishing spot: water

like what you do......steve

James Beard - 03/17/98 20:56:02
My URL: ml
Your favorite fish: Skate
Your favorite fishing spot: Puget sound

Hey, Mt. Shasta is a nice area! Keep up the fishing and I don't think there is going to be a drout this year.

RmDelta - 03/06/98 02:09:03
My URL: html
My Email:Pinky_11@hotmail.c om

Nice page ..thank you for signing my guessbook I update it as offen as i can.. amateur Pic's are hard to find.. again thank you for stopping by.

Edie Owings & Tracey Dahlen - 03/05/98 22:27:01
My Email:you know
Your favorite fish: gold/puffer
Your favorite fishing spot: local mill pond

Good Job Dad!!!! the web page looks GREAT! Of course we haven't checked out what pictures you have on here yet. Love You.

Doris Havner - 03/05/98 06:28:11
My URL:h ttp://
My Email:dordav@webtv.netYour favorite fish: ??
Your favorite fishing spot: Snake River

Nice page, haven't fished in a loooong while !!

Paul Hughes - 03/04/98 19:33:07

Great job Randy

Your Bro (goodlooking one) - 03/02/98 16:52:05
My Email:
Y our favorite fish: cleaned & cooked one
Your favorite fishing spot: Safeway

Hey, Linda looks great! Kids look great! Bill looks great! You look... did I mention how great Linda looks?

Dan and Claudia - 03/02/98 02:15:54

Hey Randy great homepage. You have really become an addict haven't you. I am going to tell your boss that you obviously need more work to do ha ha.

Bob - 02/28/98 04:47:15

I just viewed your COMPLETE home page you did do a great job. I was glad to see you put a picture of me working with my brain, and I like the picture of where you parked the engine on that doyle fire, the one no one knew who the CWB was. Red Snapper in Ho ey Lake??

Bob Morgenthaler - 02/28/98 04:06:22
My Email:rmorgenthaler
Your favorite fish: what else bass
Your favorite fishing spot: Unknown anymore

Good job, but I guess it true you need to be a little vain to have a home page.

Kirk Rothwell - 02/27/98 07:17:30
Your favorite fish: cooked
Your favorite fishing spot: Refrigerator

Haven't done any fishing around here. I see the Fish & Game are releasing trout tomorrow 2/27 in the Feather River here in Portola. Some of the fish are going to be tagged, if you catch one with a tag you can turn it in for a $20 gift certificate. Thou ht you might like to know. Later KIRK

DustyLashes - 02/26/98 17:14:43

Hi! I just surfed in from a link on Bill's page. He is a terrific friend and it was fun to "meet" some of his family. As fishing is one of my fav activities I really enjoyed the fishing pics you have up. I have never caught a bass ..but it is on my li t of things to do someday.... Great site!

Pete Meyer - 02/26/98 04:24:20
My Email:peteann@psln.comYour favorite fish: red snapper!!!!!
Your favorite fishing spot: Honey lake

Randy, great page, you really did a nice job. Pete

Bill - 02/25/98 16:28:34
My Email:billscout@bigfoot .com
Your favorite fish: Bass
Your favorite fishing spot: Secret place! (You know where)

Pretty damn good page for an old fart, dad! *LOL* I guess the talent must run in the family! Hay! Where's my e-mail's??

Troy - 02/19/98 13:20:08
My URL:http://member
Your favorite fish: Sand Sharks
Your favorite fishing spot: The Big pond

Fish Fish Cool Fish..... Hay Randa

Linda - 02/19/98 01:21:33
My Email:
Your favorite fish: MEN
Your favorite fishing spot: Antelope Lake

Pretty damn cool!!! Now help me with mine luv!

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