Beth & Brian's Glorious Adventure

Sept. 1997

Fall is certainly in the air. After our obligatory 3 weeks of 80 degree weather, the season is changing. The maple trees are in full stride with their orange and red colored leaves preparing to detach themselves and float onto the pile already developing underneath.

The pumpkins in the back yard are nearly ripe: you can espy the round orange balls and ovals peeping through the large shriveling leaves. Nearly all the black berries are gone now, except for those in the freezer from when Dan and Liz were visiting and the corn has finally ripened into tasty although stubby cobs ( cobettes ?). You can easily sit down to 3 of them along with dinner. I anticipate saving the dead corn stalks for a "fall" front porch decoration.

What's really scary is that fall is here and we only got 2 sailing expeditions. However this last, and great one was most remarkable in that we nearly doubled our mileage traveled and I visited 5 new ports! With over 400 miles logged in 10 days, it was a fast trip indeed.

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