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My Trip to Kenya

Here are a few shots of my trip to Kenya Oct,1996.  It was a 
working trip with army reserve, but did have some time to get out 
and sightsee.  I will be changing these images periodically as I 
get more scanned and try to arrange them in a little better order. 
I hope you enjoy what I have here now some are really pretty awesome.

I would like to dedicate this page to Jean Dalizu, one of the people who
 were so brutaly murdered in the embassy bombing in Nairobi, so was a 
sweet and kind hearted person that made our trip there what it was.
Yes, this is me.
Everyone is always asking for a picture of me, really I don't understand 
why, I am just me. 
Come Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty
Now these kittens are some that I don't think that Brutus ought
not mess with... especially if moma is around... 
The baby elepahnt is just a week old according to our guide. It is really 
hard to believe that they could ever be that small. 
Another shot of baby with mom.
The Carnivore and great place to eat in Nairobi, I recommend it 
to all who travel there.
The ONLY way to go camping, with roomservice.

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