New at the Ranch!!

8 months --- I am crawling!!! I'm trying to pull myself up.
I adore the cats and I know they would love for me to play with them if I could just crawl fast enough.
I eat baby food three times a day but I don't have any teeth.
I am babbling away and I went to Wales to visit Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Ivor.

7 months --- I can push myself backward and lunge forwards.
I hold my own bottle and I LOVE to drink out of Grandma's cup.

6 and 1/2 months --- I am scooting and trying so hard to won't be long now!
I eat babyfood twice a day and I grab everything in front of me...I love hair, jewelry and paper.
I love to type on the computer and I love jumping in my doorway jumper...Mommy calls me Tigger!

6 months --- I sleep through the night!!!!

5 and 1/2 months --- I love to sit up and I LOVE squash!!
I can pick up my toys and I love when Daddy makes me laugh.

5 months --- I had rice cereal for the first time and I thought it was delicious!!
I went on my first trip with the FMs to Cape Cod.
I'm chewing on everything I touch...Mommy thinks I'm teething!

4 and 1/2 months --- I like to practice "sitting up" and I LOVE "Blue's Clue's" and Sesame Street.
I went to Chicago for Easter to see Aunt Deb, Uncle Colin and Grandma and Grandpa.
It was so much fun and I didn't cry at all on the plane!

17 weeks --- I reached out and grabbed my rattle all by myself for the first time.

16 weeks --- I love my new Exersaucer and I love watching my Baby Mozart
and Baby Mugs videos. I play with toys now and I also like it when Mommy
or Daddy read me books, especially the Seseme Street Counting Book.

16 weeks --- My first audition! It was for As the World Turns.
I was happy to see other babies and it was fun!

14 weeks --- I've learned how to suck my thumb...I like to suck both thumbs at once!
I love to talk and say "ah-goo" back to you if you say it to me.
I can hold my head up and I love "standing" on my Daddy.

13 weeks --- I was babbling away with my 10 month old cousin Alex
when we both burst into laughter! Mommy has no idea what we were talking about
but Cousin Alex is so funny and that was my first laugh.

11 weeks --- I smile and coo and babble a lot, esp. at my Pooh mobile.

9 weeks --- I discovered my hand and my thumb.

7 weeks --- I rolled over from my tummy to my back.

6 weeks --- My first big smile was to Kim, second was to Mommy.

3 weeks --- I got my first bottle from my Daddy

2 weeks --- I HATED my first bath in the baby tub
(now that I'm older I love baths, esp. taking showers with my Daddy).

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