Step on into Michelle's Zeta's where you can see me and my friends from our days at CMSU.

If you're interested in getting a Iota Mu reunion going, please contact me via email and let's try to get one up and running. Since the chapter closed and most of us have married... we rarely all connect!

Jody and I shortly after pledging. Summer of 1994. Jody lives up in this area by me and we still keep in touch, she's the BEST! I am glad I met her through ZTA.

My "family." Includes my sorority mom and all my dots. Homecoming 1995. Lisa and I still email each other... but I don't hear much from the others. I would love to hear from you guys!

Jody and I at FALL BID DAY 1994. Where is all my hair? I sware it is back there in a ponytail. To this day Jody is still the PRINCESS JODY we all loved!

Several of us celebrating a sister's birthday. Spring 1996. Also, check out that I am sporting my FAVORITE ball cap ever! I had to finally retire it after it has completely lost it's shape... if you know how to make a ball cap whole again, email me with the steps so I can wear it again!

Michelle Hoch's Index/Home Page.

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