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I never know when I will get the time and the notion to change this page! For example, it's 10:01 PM in late July and here I am typing away in the AC comfort of my home... Just got back from the hoppin' metroplis of Bolivar, Missouri. Finished my last class for my Master's in Education. Wooo-Hoooo! SOOOOO to celebrate I update my old website! ha! Crazy, eh?

I am Michelle Anne! (duh?) I was born in Waynesvile, Missouri on January 19.

I am a lover of Jimmy Buffett, the St. Louis Cardinals, the wineries of Missouri, Hello Kitty, Garfield, my job, camping, Colorado, a good margarita on the rocks with NO SALT, old school Metallica, Linkin Park, traveling, fishing with my step-dad, and anything dealing with the teaching of broadcast! I only teach it one hour a day, but it's such a rush. I also am fond of thumbing through yearbooks from other High Schools & Colleges to get cool ideas for the one I help co-advise where I work!

MY HERO - Jimmy Buffett. Author. Music Man. Maker of Smiles.

I love summer... humidity and all... as long as I don't get too hot, it's all good! Now that I have gotten my Master's in Education out of the way it's a big sigh of relief! Now if only I had the spare money and time to go to Key West again! Camping in Colorado again will have to do the job for the time being.

Here are the boring details, if you want them....but keep in mind my mom freaks that I put this much information "out there" for anyone to read....

I attended Plato R-5 until 4th grade. Then went to Cole County R-5 (Eugene) until I graduated. (something about R-5's I couldn't get away from! eh?) From that phase of my life, I moved on to Central Missouri State Univeristy. Major: Secondary Education/English. Minor: Photography. I finished up my second area of endorsement in Journalism grades 9-12, thanks to East Central College and Central Missouri State! Now, I am just waiting for my diploma to arrive from Southwest Baptist Univerity for my Master's Degree. Then the 'wall' is complete! ha!

I first taught in the Warren County R-III School District as a Junior High Drama/English/Publications teacher. Currently, I am working on starting my 7th year at Washington High School teaching 9th Comp/9th Lit/TV-Radio Production/Photojournalism(yearbook). This year is going to be my 9th total of teaching. Wow! Who knew? I guess it's high time I thank the people who made me want to teach: Mr. Jeff Sandquist, Coach Englebrecht, Mrs. Brenda Scheperle, Mr. Martin, Mr. Lawson, Mrs. Twitchel, Mrs. Gann, and my kindergarten teacher... Mrs. Ingalls. (I used to dream I was really on the Little House on the Praire) Most importantly, my aunt Sarah. If she ever reads this... she'll know of them all she inspired me to teach the most.

I like to write in my spare time, do a little crafts, take long drives in the country (which is beautiful around these parts), go fishing with my pop, and talk to people who honestly like being in my company. If I am lucky, I can have a day or two where I get to do all these things... and that makes me wonderfully happy. Add some camping trips in there and it's just "all good!" OH! and the JIMMY BUFFETT TUNES MUST BE GOING!

Those are just a few of the basic, basic, somewhat boring facts about me... Oh, and I love certain movies! American Pie, American Beauty, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Cat on Hot Tin Roof, 16 Candles, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Top Gun, and anything Star Wars. Quite the odd listing!?!?! I love Bowling for Columbine... and the newest by Mike Moore: Farenheit 9/11.

Brett and I enjoying a St. Louis Cards game!

This is our wedding! What a babe, huh? I mean me, not the guy in the tux.

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© 2004 michelleanne@charter.net

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