During a one month period taking up most of June 2000, I saw more of the United States than I had in my life (up to that point). I got to go to New York City and Chicago... but I must say I loved....


the most. Check out this little page within my home on the web to see a little bit of what I am talking about here.

My hubby and I camped the whole time on this nearly week long excursion. We weren't alone, however. Two of his friends, Gregg and Emily, who live in Ordway, CO joined us for most of the trip. Here's Brett, Gregg, and Emily in Pike National Forest -- Pike's Peak area of CO.

Along the way, I got to see tons of flowers everywhere! Some were wild and others planted around buildings/sites of interests... but all in all it just added to the beauty of the CO experience.

Of course my hubby Brett had to goof off from time to time. Must have been the effects of the high altitude!

On the road to and from the summit of Pike's Peak, there's a little shop with 5 cent coffee, Brett suddenly became a coffee drinker on the way down Pike's Peak. Here's a shot of him in front of the little shop.

Here's me a little winded, but enjoying all there is to see in CO. (Nevermind me, check out that view behind me!)

Here's a list of links to (nearly) everything we saw on our camping trip. Check them out and maybe someday you can do everything we did... or if you have already been, use them to plan your next trip back to CO!

Colorado Springs

Cripple Creek

Royal Gorge Bridge

Rocky Mountain National Park

Still looking for a Garden of the Gods site to add. Let me know if you know of a good one.

Click here to go back to my main index/menu of my home on the web.

Check out the weather in Denver right now. Not only located in CO, but home to my hubby's favorite football team: THE BRONCOS!

Click for Denver, Colorado Forecast

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