Oceanfae Sidhe

(This pic is a couple of years old)

Merry Meet!

I am so glad that you decided to come and find out more about me!

Let me start with the mundane details of my life:

I am 25, and female. I come from a rather large extended family, but I only have one sister and one 1/2 brother.
My parents are divorced, but my Dad is remarried. My majors in college were English and Psychology, and I am only one credit
hour from my BA. (I am taking my last class now! Hurray!!) I have plans to go onto Graduate School as soon
as I can. I want to do my master's work in Folk lore and Myth and possibly Theology,
but I am having difficulty finding a place to study. It is this interest that lead me to the Wiccan Path.

I have been studying Wicca/paganism since Feb. of 1998. I am not exactly in the "broom closet" but I still don't
advertise my beliefs. I wear a number of symbols that remind my of the path I have chosen. An ankh necklace and a
ring that has our Goddess Isis on it since I tend to identify with the Egyptian pantheon. I also wear a Triskele,
the Celtic symbol of the Triple Goddess, and finally I wear a Pentagram the symbol of the elements (earth, air, fire, and water)
plus the spirit. I plan on continuing my study for one year and one day in the old tradition and then I plan to
dedicate/initiate myself. I hope that I am able to find a "live" circle by then so I can have a formal initation, but if I don't I
hope to have my online coven (check out the link at the bottom of the page!) help me with it.

I don't believe in labels so I haven't chosen a "Tradition" and I don't plan to. Although an online friend of mine once called
herself a "bathtub witch" and since I do most of my rituals in my bathroom or in the tub itself I think that sort of fits me
too. I do love all things that are of the ocean and of water itself. Born March 7th, 1973 I am a true Pisces to the
core. I also love faeries both their ablility to laugh at life and their spontaneity. So I took the name Oceanfae. To
connect me to my love of water and to remind me of the type of person I want to be.

I have been trying to dream walk of late to find my totem animal and to try to get a handle on what direction
my life should take now. I have gotten the answer to my first question. My power animal is the Sea Turtle with turtles
in general being dear to me. (So if anyone has any great graphics of turtles or knows where I can get some Please! contact me!)
As for the second, I am still searching.

I have just recently bought my first deck of Tarot cards. I didn't go with the traditinal deck because I feel that the images
are too cartoonish and really don't inspire me. The deck I did find, the Osho Zen Tarot, is really lovely.
It is based on the priciples of Zen, another area that I have been reading about extensively.
The images are full of color and are very artistic. If anyone has any suggestions about learning the ways of the Tarot or any other topics
feel free to email me! (BTW I love to get mail)

My newest interest is the idea of depth psychology. It is a study of the archetypal myths
of the universal consciousness according to Carl Jung and later Joseph Campbell
and how understanding these myths and thier relationships to human behavior
can help us all understand one another better.
Again, feel free to write me if you have any opinions on the subject.

I will be adding to this as my journey goes on, so stop back often and until then.....

Brightest Blessings of our Lord and Lady to you all!

Merry Part,

A proud member of:

I also belong to W.R.C.F. The Wiccan Religous Cooperative of Florida.

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