<bgsound src="//midi_therose.mid" WIDTH=140 HEIGHT=55 autostart=true loop=true>

Hi! I just love to get stuff for free, don't you? These are some great places to start. Of course there are many more. Don't forget to enter the contests too. I have received mousepads, vitamins, makeup, t-shirts, jelly beans, and more. It does take some time though. Please bookmark my page so you can find your way back for more.

Ace's Links to Free Stuff Lots of links - easy to lose yourself.

Bookmarks Code of humanity from Creative Group. Great project, beautiful bookmarks. They are free up to 300. Any more than that is shipping only. Order some today.

Freeshop This site does have some things that are free initially and then involve a charge like magazines. Just read the fine print.

Free-N-Cool Good site. Also has contests.

Sam's Free Stuff Great site! Well organized by category.

Scavenger's Quest "The best of the best that's free" and it is!

Free Stuff Continuum A very good site.

The Freebies ok site but a lot of broken links and no longer availables. It takes a lot of time to keep pages updated though so let's give him a break.

Ian's Fabulous Freebies One of my favorites.

Fat Cat's The original and the best

Yes we have references Another one of my favorites. Bonnie keeps me amused for quite awhile.

Now that you've filled out a gazillion forms just sit back and wait for the mailman. Some of these things don't come very fast, others don't come at all. But so what. Just smile because you will get something and it will be free. Isn't the net great! If you have a favorite or if you have a site just e-mail me and I will add it to the list.

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