<bgsound src="//AnothDayInParadise.mid" WIDTH=140 HEIGHT=55 autostart=true loop=true>

Welcome to my living room. Sit down, have a cup of coffee and visit for awhile.

What's been going on? I hope everything has been fine with you. We've been kind of busy lately. My mother-in-law visited. I know what you're thinking! My mother-in-law is wonderful and I love her very much. She's become a real mother to me. But she lives in Florida and we don't get to see her as much as I would like.
We recently found out that my husband, Dave, has diabetes. That is no fun! It certainly was no fun living with him either before we got the diagnosis. He had an AWFUL personality change. Now that he is on medication and everything he's pretty much back to normal. I would strongly urge anyone with signs of diabetes to be checked immediately. It is certainly nothing to play with.
My daughter Jessica is a joy. She is an only child so she is spoiled rotten. She is 11 so she is getting ready for puberty. As a result she has been developing an attitude lately but we're trying to deal with it. It's nothing any other pre-teen hasn't gone through but it seems to be more magnified when it is your own personal problem. We just try to keep her busy with the computer, skating and clubs so she doesn't have time to dwell on anything. She has a wonderful sense of humor which disappears suddenly and is replaced with an "I know everything, you know nothing" attitude. Oh well, such is the life of a pre-teen. She's very pretty too, with blonde hair and blue eyes so that doesn't help much with the boys. Boys, being less mature, like to tease her. She, being a 90's kind of "woman" won't stand for ANY kind of harrassement. Then the attidude comes out. Have you had the same problem?
Jessica has some really cute key-pals. One is Chris and there's Andy and Bruce, who is from Canada. Chris and Andy are CEO's of Funco which is a kid's company. If you can, why don't you go to their page and help out some future entrepeneurs. They make greeting cards and wood letters. Surely you can use something and spare a dollar or two to help a new business get started! I knew you would. You're such a nice person. Bruce is very nice too. He's lucky enough to live in Canada, which is one place I haven't been that I would love to visit.


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