The Personnel of VFS-805 "Airborne SWAT Team" would like to send a very special thank you out to the men and women of the US Armed Forces, past and present.  We would, in addition, like to thank those soldiers who fought, and died for their country.   If it weren't for our fallen soldiers, there probably wouldn't be a United States of America. We would also like to thank the men, and women, of the New York Fire Department, who lost their lives in the terrible tragedy on September 11.  As a special tribute to them, Amazing Grace on Bagpipes is being played in the background.

We owe our fallen soldiers more than we can ever repay them. We are FOREVER in their debt. NOTHING we can do can repay this debt. We have monuments for past Presidents, and some of the past wars.  One of the only monuments that we don't have, is a WWII Monument.  When I heard that they were going to build a WWII Monument, I immediately gathered my friends, and we all put in about $5 each to help build the monument.  Why did we do this? I did it because my grandfather was a WWII Veteran.  He served with pride in the United States Navy working on aircraft on Aircraft Carriers at sea.  He was a man that I looked up to, even in his old age.  He fought for his country and risked his life.  Some of the people I meet when I go shopping wear hats that say either WWII Veteran, Korean Veteran, Vietnam Veteran, US Air Force Veteran, US Army Veteran, US Navy Veteran, US Marine Corps Veteran, or some sort of POW.  Whenever I see someone wearing one of those hats, I stop them and thank them for serving our country.  I suggest you do the same.  They risked their life, so that you could have a safe place to live.

So to all the Veterans, POWs of past wars, the Soldiers who died fighting for our country, and those still listed as MIA, we here at VFS-805 "Airborne SWAT Team" thank you with all our hearts.

We would also like to thank all those all those rescue personnel who gave their lives trying to save the victims of the World Trade Center Bombing on 11 September, 2001.  They died in the line of duty trying to save the lives of those who were trapped in the collapsed World Trade Center building.  In addition, we would like the thank the passengers onboard United Flight 77 who stopped the terrorists from causing any more damage than they could.  They are true heroes.  We salute you!

We urge you to put out your flags as a show of Patriotism, and to show that even though they damaged our buildings, they can NOT hurt as as a people!  We also urge you to pray for the rescue personnel, and people who were in the World Trade Center.


Lt. Gen. Collier
VFS-805 "Airborne SWAT Team"
Commanding Officer



© 2001 Cory Collier