Steve's Maritime Website

Can you name 12 parts of this bulkcarrier from the list below ?
Click on the number on the ship and see if you are right

Quarter Deck . Ship's Office Shell Plating Monkey Island
Rudder Bulbous Bow Stern Tube Bridge
Loadline Crew Accommodation . Foc'sle Hatch Cover

Scroll down for links to some great maritime related games on the Ferry Halim Orisinal Website. These are external links, the content of which we cannot control, but they appear to be lovely games for children at the time of creating the links. Please let me know if they change.

Dive down to find the treasure on the seabed.

See how many crabs you can hit with your yo-yo.

Use the whale's spout to jump the icebergs.

Destroyer against submarines - who will win ?.

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