Numbers! and Telling Time  
Ok now the real fun begins! We're finally getting to the good stuff, Numbers! and Telling Time, it's the most fun, Take it from me, cause I wouldn't lie to you... (not about this anyway...~_~) Have fun, and ganbatte!! -r.c.
We'll start with learning the numbers 1 to 20. 

Vocabulary: Numbers 
1 ichi 11 juu-ichi
2 ni 12 juu-ni
3 san 13 juu-san
4 shi, yon 14 juu-yon, juu-shi
5 go 15 juu-go
6 roku 16 juu-roku
7 nana, shichi 17 juu-nana, juu-shichi
8 hachi 18 juu-hachi
9 kyuu, ku 19 juu-ku, juu kyuu
10 juu 20 ni-juu
Note: Zero is ree or just zero... simple, eh? 
Numbers are pretty easy, ne? If you learn nothing from this lesson, learn that, it's so easy, why not?? Also, note there are two ways to say 4,7,9and  0. 

Dialouge: Numbers 
Ryouga-kun asks Haruka-san for her telephone number.  
Ryouga: Haruka-san no denwa  bangoo wa? 
Haruka: (03)54 no 9763 desu.
Ryouga: (03)54 no 9763 desu ne.
Haruka: Hai, soo desu ne.
Ryouga: Sankyuu!
Now I hate to make this like a real class, but..... let's practice a little, shall we?  
Activity: Practice this dialouge, and try not  to peek at the number list above... You really should practice all the dialogues in the class, did I mention that? heh heh...  

Ryouga: Haruka-san, what is your telephone number?
Haruka: It's (03)54-9763.
Ryouga: (03)54-9763  right?
Haruka: Yes, that's it.
Ryouga: Thank you!
I think Ryouga-kun has given up on Akane. niya, niya ^_^ 

Telling Time 
Yay! It's time to learn to tell time!! 

Sentence Structure: Telling Time  
To tell time, just add ji to the appropriate number. 
1:00 ichi-ji 7:00 nana-ji, shichi-ji
2:00 ni-ji 8:00 hachi-ji
3:00 san-ji 9:00 ku-ji
4:00 yo-ji, 10:00 ju-ji
5:00 go-ji 11:00 juu-ichi-ji
6:00 roku-ji 12:00 juu-ni-ji
In some cases the numbers have their names shortened to avoid confusion. In a noisy train station shichi-ji and hachi-ji sound suprisingly similar. 

Vocabulary: TellingTime 

Heres a bit of vocabulary to begin with.  
ji ji the equivalent of o'clock.
gogo go-go P.M.
gozen go-zen A.M.
asa asa morning
hiru hee-ru afternoon
yuugata yu-ga-ta evening
han han half, as in half an hour.
nan ji desu ka nan ji des ka what time is it?
ima ee-ma right  now
goro go-ro about (as in it's about 8:00)
 We'll learn about more specific  times  later.

Dialouge: Telling Time 
Toufu Sensee asks Kasumi-san for the  time. 
Toufu: Sumimassen, Kasumi-san. Nan ji desu ka.
Kasumi: Gogo nana-ji goro desu.
Toufu: Soo desu ne... Deeto o shimashou ka.
Kasumi: Ee, ii desu ne!
Toufu: Excuse me, Kasumi-san. What time is it? 
Kasumi: It's about 7:00 p.m. 
Toufu: I see... would you like to go on a date? 
Kasumi: Yes, that sounds good!
Daichi asks Himeko what time it is.  
Daichi: Hime-chan, ima nan ji desu ka?
Himeko: Eeto...go ji han goro desu.
Daichi: Doomo.
Daichi: Hime-chan, what time is it now?
Himeko: Umm... it's about 5:30.
Daichi: Thanks.
Dialouge: Using What You've Learned 
Haruka and Michiru are going to the movies this evening, Michiru wants to know what time the movie begins. She first, has to find out the telephone number for the movie theatre, she asks Haruka. 
Michiru: Haruka-chan, eegakan no denwa bangoo wa?
Haruka: (03) 21 no 3789 desu.
Michiru: Waa! Jaa onegai!
Michiru: Haruka-chan, what is the movie theater's telephone number?
Haruka: It's (03) 21-3789
Michiru: Wow! Thanks a lot!
Haruka is just a wealth of information, ne? heh heh.. 

Next, Michiru calls the movie theater.  
Eegakan: Moshi, moshi
Michiru: Moshi moshi...nan ji ni Sutaa Waasu o hajimemas  ka.
Eegakan: Gogo nana-ji-han desu.
Michiru: Soo desu ne. Doomo arigato gozaimasu.
Eegakan: Doo itashimashite.
Theater: Hello.
Michiru: Hello. what time does Star Wars begin?
Theater: At 7:30 p.m.
Michiru: I see. Thank you very much.
Theater: You're welcome.
Looks like they're all set. ^_^ That was fun, ne?

Japanese Culture: 
Honorific Titles A quick lesson on honorific titles, (-san, -chan, etc.)
Next: Lesson4: Expressing likes & dislikes