The Dragon Lady's Information Page!

Black Dragon Association Dojo And Organization Page

Hello! Nice to see you! Thanks for dropping by!

I have received so much e-mail from women around the world, I felt that it would be a good idea to set up a page for the exchange of resources, information and ideas.

If you wish to have your organization or dojo listed on this page, please send me your information (e.g. e-mail, name, style, etc.).

I hope to collect a stockpile of resource information for women in the MA. Please leave me your name and some information about you and if you wish, I will include your names, dojo name, or organization in my resource list on the Dojo and Organization Page! Thank you!

Now, there are some daring, courageous individuals out there in Cyber Land who have a hankering to see what the Dragon Lady looks like...poor souls don't know what chances they are taking asking me to upload a photo of ME! It could scare everyone off for a 25 mile radius! Oh, on the link, and be ready for a real treat!

Many have asked how to become a member of the Black Dragon Association. I have added an APPLICATION to the site. If you wish to join this organization, please follow the link.

Take a moment and post a message to the
Bulletin Board!

Links to other pages

Back To The Black Dragon Home Page!
Dojo And Organization Page!
Some Of My Good Friends!
The EXCEL Karate League Home Pages!
The NEW NBL/SKI Home Page!

Join other women in the martial arts for the BDA Chat every Friday and Saturday evening, 6:00 PM PST to 10:00 PM PST beginning the first week of August! Meet new friends! Talk to old ones!


Come on over and visit! Maybe post a message to our Bulletin Board! Meet new friends and enjoy!

Visit The Woman To Woman Communication Page!

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