The Goddesses' Land of RPG game!

There are__ people that had adventured in the land of YS!

Welcome to the Land of Ys, we, the

the goddesses of Ys, welcomes you, and hope you enjoy your visit here with us... Let us tell you the story and legends of this mysterious and magical land!

This is a place where harmony strikes all over the land... a place where everyone sings for joy...

But the peace, was not always there... Destruction has struck upon the land, and horror was spread around...

Leaving only one hope... YOU! (Of course, you're our hope! If you aren't here, then this homepage wouldn't have even been here! ^^;;;)

Please save the people from falling behind the hands of Dark Fact!

You must search for ALL the books of Ys, and gather it all to me so Ys can once more have the peace they use to have ~^_^~

ALSO, find ADOL, and LILIA for me!

All of Ys' Hopes are in YOUR hands... please help... save us all...

And so... YOUR journey begins!

Go to the Forest

Go to the Shrine

Go to the Cave

Go to the Village

Go to the Field

Go to Darn Tower

REMEMBER: This is the Palace ok? So if you get lost, come back here again!

We hope that you find all the necessary things needed... Let us pray for you...

Please ask Feena, or Lair if you have any questions...

Or ask BOTH of the Goddesses for any questions...

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The Images in this homepage is copy right of their own ORIGINAL Owners... THE ORIGINAL YS story is COPYRIGHT of the original Author, and the TEXT and story of this YS RPG INTERNET GAME is COPYRIGHT of Melanie (Namiko)

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